Scott Stark [] created the discussion
"JBAS-9149, Disappearing log messages"
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This issue is coming up frequently of testing non-standard configurations of the server
since the errors are tending to happen early on, so it is something I need fixed. I looked
at the RootLoggerService and followed the logging down to the
LoggerNode.publish(ExtLogRecord) to get a quick idea of what the path from the log messaes
to the handlers is.
What if the LoggerNode.clearHandlers() accepts a List<LogRecord> and this is
populated with all log msgs that attempt to be published while the handlers are being
cleared, and then the RootLoggerService republishes these to the server.log. I'm
thinking that duplicates between the logs are ok if it simplifies how this is done. Right
now I really don't know all that is involved to capture these msgs, so I'll start
along this approach. If it is the wrong way to go, chime in!
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