anonymous wrote :
| Afaik, but could not find it directly, BPMN is based on structured graphs
Well, we just borrow the terminology (i.e. parallel gateway) and need think about what it
means for the implementation. This is exactly the kind discussion I'd like to have.
anonymous wrote :
| In JPDL 3 it is fully clear, you need a fully nested fork-join pair. This differs from
the statement in the workflow patterns for parallel split:
Exactly, hence the need for verification. What you said about previous discussions is
something I don't agree with at all:
anonymous wrote :
| This has been discussed several years ago, so unless bpmn requires otherwise, the
decision for this is simple I think ;-)
Let's put it the other way around: Why did all the vendors support [1] and BPMN [2] opposed to jbpm?
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