[Design of OSGi Integration] - Re: Logging and Exception Handling
by adrian@jboss.org
"johnbailey" wrote : There are couple places in the OSGI API that expect different behavior than the MC. One example is the Bundle getEntry and getEntryPaths methods. These methods should return 'null' in if the entry can not be found within the Bundle. The call to the DeploymentUnit to get the file will result in a RuntimeException wrapped FileNotFoundException, which makes sense, as the file does not exist. In this case I think the Bundle methods should catch the Exception and return 'null'. Should we catch it here, or propagate to client?
What method are you using? It should return null for not found:
VFSDeploymentUnit or VFSDeploymentResourceLoader
| /**
| * Get a virtual file
| *
| * @param path the relative path of the file
| * @return the virtual file or null if not found
| */
| VirtualFile getFile(String path);
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17 years
[Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Domain resolve algorithm
by adrian@jboss.org
"alesj" wrote :
| I'm just asking, since after reading this
| - http://www.osgi.org/blog/2008/02/research-challenges-for-osgi.html
| I started thinking about the challenge
If you don't track references properly then you're bound to get that problem.
Even when you do, e.g. the MC or declaritive services in OSGi,
the user might still leak the type into somebody else's singleton
(apache clogging, digester, etc. you are guilty here! ;-)
anonymous wrote :
| http://post-office.corp.redhat.com/mailman/private/jboss-osgi-dev-list/20...
Post it in public if you want others to be able to comment.
anonymous wrote :
| in more mathematical fashion, providing some concrete proof for the actual algorithm used, time usage wise. It boils down to graph theory, and finding some known problem to 'map' this usage to it.
It's not a graph, although it might look like one in the raw data.
Like I said elsewhere, "I know how to do it".
The trick is to actually to try to collapse it into a group of Sets of related classloader
exports and when that is impossible (e.g. conflicting versions) you fail the one
that wants to join.
Like I also said elsewhere, there's some "Gotchas",
More details:
* hot deployment - merging/disjoining sets (if disjoining is a word? ;-)
* recursion - resolving classloader references leads to deployment from the repository
* circular references
* etc.
anonymous wrote :
| A quick thought.
| How does re-wiring stand against the actual ClassLoader usage.
| e.g. we already have wired bundles,
We wires "ClassLoaderPolicy"s, but yes they are similar to what the OSGi spec
calls wires. (Part of what they call wires is done by the RequirementDependencyItem).
anonymous wrote :
| and we want to add a new one. But with the current wiring that is not possible (possibly some 'uses' constraints in the way), but if we re-wire things, we might be able to wire the new bundle as well.
| I guess that means uninstalling current deployments, and installing them back on after we 'discovered' that there is a wire configuration that makes everyone happy. :-)
Correct. Although I doubt we would enable this by default.
Undeploying an application (however temporarily) because some other
related application wants to join the group with conflicting requirements isn't a very good
semantic for a production machine.
OSGi requires a seperate invocation on an "update classes" method.
It could be a useful feature for developers who just want to drop
a updated package into "deploy" and have everything re-adjust.
i.e. try it, if it fails, see if it would work if you redeployed those that are conflicting
and if so, do that by invoking the "udpate classes" automatically.
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17 years
[Design of OSGi Integration] - Logging and Exception Handling
by johnbailey
There are couple places in the OSGI API that expect different behavior than the MC. One example is the Bundle getEntry and getEntryPaths methods. These methods should return 'null' in if the entry can not be found within the Bundle. The call to the DeploymentUnit to get the file will result in a RuntimeException wrapped FileNotFoundException, which makes sense, as the file does not exist. In this case I think the Bundle methods should catch the Exception and return 'null'. Should we catch it here, or propagate to client?
The main question I have if the Exception is caught, is how to log it. I would guess we would want the information available if the client makes the call, but we don't want to log it as an error and flood the log, for a call that is valid. Should the Exception/message be logged at the DEBUG or INFO level so the client could get it if they think the call should have resulted in something?
I would also like to know if there are any ground rules on logging and Exception handling to follow.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4133252#4133252
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17 years