[Design of JBoss Web Services] - Re: UsernameToken authentication and authorization for POJO
by alessio.soldano@jboss.com
"darran.lofthouse(a)jboss.com" wrote : I am thinking about having a look at this issue and just wanted to bring up some ideas here. The reason I am looking at this is because although there is a solution based on using EJB endpoints there is still a consistent demand for this capability for POJO endpoints.
| We currently have the following unscheduled issue: -
| http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-1999
I Darran, interesting there's a consistent demand for these ws-security related features. That issue is assigned to me but you're welcome to reassing and work at it.
anonymous wrote : I have seen the contributed code but this does not integrate with our current WS-Security handlers so I am proposing a more integrated solution.
I think the idea of forcing the authentication calling the WSSecurityManager's .authenticate(...) method is good, that's imho the missing piece for pojo endpoints, since with ejb3 endpoints the ejb3 layer takes care of requesting the authentication.
Of course I agree with you we can't have this called from other handlers; I didn't spend a lot of time looking at this, but I guess the current ReceiveUsernameOperation could be a nice place to do this.
anonymous wrote : My idea would be to re-open the following issue to allow the UsernameToken to be set as a requirement on the incoming message: -
| http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-1136
Generally speaking, I agree with you the should be a way to say "ok, the username token is required".
anonymous wrote : The configuration should have an attribute 'authenicate=true', if set we can make use of the programatic web authentication available from JBoss 4.2.0.GA: -
| http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/WebAuthentication
| In addition to this the configuration could then contain a set of the allowed roles to call the endpoint and if this is set after the authentication we could use isCallerInRole to verify if the user is in the allowed role.
| The use of the WebAuthentication above does mean that we can mainly use the standard servlet APIs after the authentication and this change would be achieved with a small amount of additional configuration, as we have authenticated then this will still be propagated to the calls to any subsequent EJBs.
I think it would be better to leave the configuration of the allowed roles to the login module configuration. May be I'm missing something, but I think we could simply let the user configure the security domain as usual and then the login module(s) configured for that security domain will have the roles configuration. Btw doing this you'll also get the digest/nonce feature of the UsernameToken Profile for free (see the test for JBWS-1988) also for pojo endpoints.
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16 years, 10 months
[Design of Security on JBoss] - Re: Security Injection in AS5
by scott.stark@jboss.org
"sguilhen(a)redhat.com" wrote :
| I've started by taking a look at the aop-mc integration, as AOP had to define their beans and metadata factories to make it possible to use the aop elements in the -beans.xml files.
| So I've created a module, security-mc-int under the microcontainer project (not sure it should be there, just using the same approach AOP has taken), defined the beans, defined the security-beans.xsd, and started the implementation of the metadata factory.
Definitely does not belong under the microcontainer project. It belongs under the security project.
"sguilhen(a)redhat.com" wrote :
| I still have to figure out a couple of things. First, can I add post-installation behavior to my beans just by implementing the install and uninstall methods or is it necessary to configure an aop lifecycle for that?
Just define create/start/stop/destroy methods as desired on the bean that should perform the setup.
"sguilhen(a)redhat.com" wrote :
| Second, I don't expect things to magically happen just by defining the metadata factory. Somehow I must bind it to the schema being parsed (that is, somehow the MC must know which factory to use when facing an application-policy element).
Use the XmlRootElement/JBossXmlSchema to define the element name appearing in under the beans.xml deployment element and its namespace:
| @JBossXmlSchema(namespace="urn:jboss:aop-beans:1.0", elementFormDefault=XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
| @XmlRootElement(name="annotation-introduction")
| public class AnnotationIntroductionBeanMetaDataFactory extends AbstractAnnotationBeanMetaDataFactory
| {
| private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
| @Override
| protected String getBeanClassName()
| {
| return AnnotationIntroduction.class.getName();
| }
| }
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16 years, 10 months
[Design of EJB 3.0] - Re: WS EJB invocation
by scott.stark@jboss.org
It changed because the DeploymentScope is now handling the resolution of references to other components, so there is always a DeploymentScope. Previously this only existed for ears. Use the DeploymentScope getEjbContainer methods to obtain the container:
| public interface DeploymentScope extends JavaEEApplication
| {
| /**
| * Obtain the EJBContainer best matching the business interface
| * @param businessIntf - the business interface to match
| * @param vfsContext - the vfs path to the deploment initiating the request
| * @return the matching EJBContainer if found, null otherwise.
| */
| EJBContainer getEjbContainer(Class businessIntf, String vfsContext)
| throws NameNotFoundException;
| /**
| * Obtain the EJBContainer best matching the business interface
| * @param ejbLink - the referencing ejb-link
| * @param businessIntf - the business interface to match
| * @param vfsContext - the vfs path to the deploment initiating the request
| * @return the matching EJBContainer if found, null otherwise.
| */
| EJBContainer getEjbContainer(String ejbLink, Class businessIntf, String vfsContext);
| }
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16 years, 10 months