[Design of AOP on JBoss (Aspects/JBoss)] - Re: Some maven updates
by kabir.khan@jboss.com
I had misspelled "asintegration" as "asinegration" in thirdparty/pom.xml
| <dependency>
| <groupId>org.jboss.aop</groupId>
| <artifactId>jboss-asintegration-core</artifactId>
| <version>${version.org.jboss.aop}</version>
| <mapping>
| <componentId>jboss.aop</componentId>
| </mapping>
| </dependency>
Now I get more files, but I do not see the jboss-aop-client jar?
| [kabir@~/sourcecontrol/jboss-head/build]
| $ls -al ../thirdparty/jboss/aop/lib/
| total 5264
| drwxr-xr-x 16 kabir staff 544 29 Sep 16:08 .
| drwxr-xr-x 4 kabir staff 136 29 Sep 16:08 ..
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 125660 29 Sep 16:08 jboss-aop-aspects-sources.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 104051 29 Sep 16:08 jboss-aop-aspects.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 934044 29 Sep 16:08 jboss-aop-sources.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 1304506 29 Sep 16:08 jboss-aop.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 18764 29 Sep 16:08 jboss-asintegration-core-sources.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 22530 29 Sep 16:08 jboss-asintegration-core.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 36870 29 Sep 16:08 jboss-asintegration-jmx-sources.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 38918 29 Sep 16:08 jboss-asintegration-jmx.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 31186 29 Sep 16:08 jboss-asintegration-mc-sources.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 33154 29 Sep 16:08 jboss-asintegration-mc.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 1780 29 Sep 16:08 jrockit-pluggable-instrumentor-sources.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 4140 29 Sep 16:08 jrockit-pluggable-instrumentor.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 1713 29 Sep 16:08 pluggable-instrumentor-sources.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 2936 29 Sep 16:08 pluggable-instrumentor.jar
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4179405#4179405
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4179405
16 years, 5 months
[Design of AOP on JBoss (Aspects/JBoss)] - Re: Some maven updates
by kabir.khan@jboss.com
That gets me bit further, but in my as poms I am including the following dependencies:
| <dependency>
| <groupId>org.jboss.aop</groupId>
| <artifactId>jboss-asintegration-core</artifactId>
| <version>${version.org.jboss.aop}</version>
| </dependency>
| <dependency>
| <groupId>org.jboss.aop</groupId>
| <artifactId>jboss-asintegration-jmx</artifactId>
| <version>${version.org.jboss.aop}</version>
| </dependency>
| <dependency>
| <groupId>org.jboss.aop</groupId>
| <artifactId>jboss-asintegration-mc</artifactId>
| <version>${version.org.jboss.aop}</version>
| </dependency>
| <dependency>
| <groupId>org.jboss.aop</groupId>
| <artifactId>jboss-aop</artifactId>
| <version>${version.org.jboss.aop}</version>
| </dependency>
| <dependency>
| <groupId>org.jboss.aop</groupId>
| <artifactId>jboss-aop-aspects</artifactId>
| <version>${version.org.jboss.aop}</version>
| </dependency>
| <dependency>
| <groupId>org.jboss.aop</groupId>
| <artifactId>jrockit-pluggable-instrumentor</artifactId>
| <version>${version.org.jboss.aop}</version>
| </dependency>
| <dependency>
| <groupId>org.jboss.aop</groupId>
| <artifactId>pluggable-instrumentor</artifactId>
| <version>${version.org.jboss.aop}</version>
| </dependency>
But the thirdparty/jboss/aop folder only gets the following jars
| [kabir@~/sourcecontrol/jboss-head/build]
| $ls -al ../thirdparty/jboss/aop/lib/
| total 4880
| drwxr-xr-x 10 kabir staff 340 29 Sep 16:02 .
| drwxr-xr-x 4 kabir staff 136 29 Sep 16:02 ..
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 125660 29 Sep 16:02 jboss-aop-aspects-sources.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 104051 29 Sep 16:02 jboss-aop-aspects.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 934044 29 Sep 16:02 jboss-aop-sources.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 1304506 29 Sep 16:02 jboss-aop.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 1780 29 Sep 16:02 jrockit-pluggable-instrumentor-sources.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 4140 29 Sep 16:02 jrockit-pluggable-instrumentor.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 1713 29 Sep 16:02 pluggable-instrumentor-sources.jar
| -rw-r--r-- 1 kabir staff 2936 29 Sep 16:02 pluggable-instrumentor.jar
I am getting some errors that are not making much sense to me. What do they mean?
| [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| [java] [INFO] Building JBoss Application Server Thirdparty Build
| [java] [INFO] task-segment: [package]
| [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| [java] [WARNING] POM for 'org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-system:pom:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT:compile' is invalid. It will be ignored for artifact resolution. Reason: Failed to validate POM for project org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-system at Artifact [org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-system:pom:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT:compile]
| [java] [INFO] [enforcer:enforce {execution: enforce-versions}]
| [java] [WARNING] POM for 'org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-system:pom:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT:compile' is invalid. It will be ignored for artifact resolution. Reason: Failed to validate POM for project org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-system at Artifact [org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-system:pom:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT:compile]
| [java] [INFO] [dependency:sources {execution: download-sources}]
| [java] [WARNING] POM for 'org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-system:pom:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT:compile' is invalid. It will be ignored for artifact resolution. Reason: Failed to validate POM for project org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-system at Artifact [org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-system:pom:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT:compile]
| [java] [INFO] [jboss-license:download-licenses {execution: default}]
| [java] [INFO] Downloading licenses
| [java] [WARNING] Attempting to build MavenProject instance for Artifact (org.jboss.aop:jboss-asintegration-jmx:2.0.0-20080929.135907-2) of type: jar; constructing POM artifact instead.
| [java] [WARNING] Attempting to build MavenProject instance for Artifact (org.jboss.aop:jrockit-pluggable-instrumentor:2.0.0-20080929.135907-2) of type: jar; constructing POM artifact instead.
| [java] [WARNING] Attempting to build MavenProject instance for Artifact (org.jboss.aop:jboss-aop-aspects:2.0.0-20080929.135907-10) of type: jar; constructing POM artifact instead.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4179403#4179403
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4179403
16 years, 5 months
[Design of AOP on JBoss (Aspects/JBoss)] - Re: Some maven updates
by kabir.khan@jboss.com
I've deployed an aop snapshot to the snapshot server, and have updated my local as build to use the new artifacts. The client jar seems to be missing:
| [java] [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
| [java]
| [java] Missing:
| [java] ----------
| [java] 1) org.jboss.aop:jboss-aop-jdk50-client:jar:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
| [java]
| [java] Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
| [java]
| [java] Then, install it using the command:
| [java] mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.jboss.aop -DartifactId=jboss-aop-jdk50-client -Dversion=2.0.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file
| [java]
| [java] Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file there:
| [java] mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.jboss.aop -DartifactId=jboss-aop-jdk50-client -Dversion=2.0.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]
| [java]
| [java] Path to dependency:
| [java] 1) org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-thirdparty:pom:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT
| [java] 2) org.jboss.aop:jboss-aop-jdk50-client:jar:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
| [java]
| [java] ----------
| [java] 1 required artifact is missing.
| [java]
| [java] for artifact:
| [java] org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-thirdparty:pom:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT
| [java]
| [java] from the specified remote repositories:
| [java] central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2),
| [java] repository.jboss.org (http://repository.jboss.org/maven2),
| [java] snapshots.jboss.org (http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2)
| [java]
| [java]
| [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| [java] [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
| [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| [java] [INFO] Total time: 12 seconds
| [java] [INFO] Finished at: Mon Sep 29 14:53:58 BST 2008
| [java] [INFO] Final Memory: 27M/49M
| [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| [java] Java Result: 1
What do I do to deploy that?
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4179384#4179384
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4179384
16 years, 5 months