Maciej Swiderski [] replied to the discussion
"foreach activity"
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Tim, here is a sample usage of foreach activity:
<foreach in="#{actors}" name="foreach1" var="item">
<transition name="to task1" to="task1"/>
<task name="task1">
<transition name="to join1" to="join1"/>
<join name="join1">
Please note that between foreach and join activities there can be any type of activity, including subprocess.
If it comes to designer support for this, I am working on it. Just while ago I supplied a patch for this for a review. Let's keep our fingers crossed that it will make to to next release.
I will try to find some more time to work on pending issues of GPD to have something released together with jBPM 4.4
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Mehul Verma [] created the discussion
"creating a sub process instance throw error: org.jbpm.JbpmException: couldn't signal without specifying a leaving transition : transition is null"
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I am getting an error in executing a sub process.Main process finishes its execution and it calls the first sub-process, when sub process reaches it's end it throws the error: *org.jbpm.JbpmException: couldn't signal without specifying a leaving transition : transition is null.*
Further sub processes are called but same happens at the end of the other sub processes also. I think setting the super process token in the createSubProcessInstance causing this issue. Even if i do not call createSubProcessInstance and I create sub process instance using +*newProcessInstance(processName)*+ and** then if i set the super processtoken explicitly in my code i get this error, if i do not set the super process token in my code i do not get this error.
Please provide views, i am getting this error again and again.
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Dave Siracusa [] created the discussion
"External SOAP client fails due to httpheader issue"
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We have an external client that is trying to invoke a SOAP based web service proxied on the the bus w/ SOAPProxy.
They happen to be passing in an httpheader with a empty/null value.
The servlet asserts while processing the headers. I blieve null/empty values are allowed.
It asserts due to the following in http/
public class HttpHeader implements Serializable {
private String name;
private String value;
public HttpHeader(String name, String value) {
AssertArgument.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(name, "name");
AssertArgument.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(value, "value"); // <========================== = name;
this.value = value;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getValue() {
return value;
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Sai V [] created the discussion
"Communication between EJBs across 2 ears"
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I have a "Role" bean implemented and deployed in Jboss as "svc" ear.
I have a "Dbi" bean implemented and deployedin Jboss as "Dbi" ear.
Now I want to call methods in the Role bean from Dbi bean methods.
To do that I inject Role bean in Dbi using the code below...
@EJB(name="Role", beanInterface=Role.class)
roleLookup = (Role) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/Role");
I keep getting "NameNotFoundException: Role not bound", when I run this code.
How do I resolve this error? Is it possible at all?
I am new to J2EE and to these forums. So I apologise if my message is in an incorrect format or improper forum.
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Ales Justin [] replied to the discussion
"[JBOSGI-342] Bundle resolution depends on install order"
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> If this is the way to go forward, I'd appreciate a few hints on how to do this.
Actually I don't see why initial DI resolution for wildcards would pose a problem.
What you get out of it is WildcardDelegateLoader, which is then what really knows how to handle "any" resource lookup.
Meaning the initial resolution has no effect to whome you wired to.
Or you're saying that plain dynamic-import is the problem if it gets resolved?
But this is actually the same as if it were resolved later on in the new WDL mechanism.
Weak or too broad requirements lead to bad resolving. ;-)
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Remy Maucherat [] replied to the discussion
"Annotation processing in war files too aggressive?"
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Well, web is not less relevant than ejb in this particular situation. If your pojo is extended by a Servlet class (this is the same case you are using), then the annotation becomes relevant for Servlets too. Sneaky ;) Maybe we should do less injection metadata validation on deploy (some TCK tests seem to imply that). If the injection is then actually used by one of the specs where it is invalid, it will do a runtime error.
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