Re: [jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss ESB Development] - httprouter issues with GET/POST WADL Services and Web Routing
by jack lista
jack lista [] replied to the discussion
"httprouter issues with GET/POST WADL Services and Web Routing"
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Oh, sweet, thanks, I got a NullPointerException, I was wondering if the problem was with the Map... can you throw me a link to that src? Or do I have to download it from our subscriber account or something, do you know? If it's protected, I will see if I can get it via proper channels, but if it's out on a public svn server, I'd love the link. Thx,
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14 years, 6 months
[JBoss AS Development Deployment Framework] - ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] Incomplete Deployment listing
by Siddalinga K M
Siddalinga K M [] created the discussion
"ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] Incomplete Deployment listing"
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h1. Hi all,
I have hard time setting up Funambol DM Server on Ubuntu 9.10
Following are the softwares used and their corresponding versions
1. Host - Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic/koala
2. Java - /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
3. JBoss - JBoss-3.2.6
4. funambol-dm-server -
5. postgresql-8.4
*Actual problem : Unable to add new device id on http://localhost:8080/dmdemo/ http://localhost:8080/dmdemo/*
it crashes saying
at com.funambol.dmdemo.
at com.funambol.dmdemo.RegistrationTools.loginUser(
at com.funambol.dmdemo.DMDemoBean.loginUser(
at org.apache.jsp.jsp.login_jsp._jspService(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
and more .........................
*when i run bin/ dmserver gives the following errors*
19:29:10,108 ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] Incomplete Deployment listing:
MBeans waiting for other MBeans:
ObjectName: jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=jdbc/fnbldm
state: FAILED
I Depend On: jboss.jca:service=LocalTxDS,name=jdbc/fnbldm
Depends On Me: org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Exception setting attribute ManagedConnectionFactoryName = jboss.jca:service=LocalTxDS,name=jdbc/fnbldm on mbean jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=jdbc/fnbldm; - nested throwable: ( not found: ManagedConnectionFactoryName)
ObjectName: jboss.jca:service=LocalTxDS,name=jdbc/fnbldm
state: FAILED
I Depend On:
Depends On Me: jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=jdbc/fnbldm
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: No Attribute found with name: JndiName
ObjectName: jboss.jca:service=LocalTxDS,name=jdbc/fnbldm
state: FAILED
I Depend On:
Depends On Me: jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=jdbc/fnbldm
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: No Attribute found with name: JndiName
Please let me know what is the problem ...
Thanks in advance
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14 years, 6 months
Re: [jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss ESB Development] - httprouter issues with GET/POST WADL Services and Web Routing
by jack lista
jack lista [] replied to the discussion
"httprouter issues with GET/POST WADL Services and Web Routing"
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I'm using the soa 5.0 (from JBoss you mean, right?) dist. You didn't give me any Map imports for the WADLAction class, but what I'm using is this:
import org.jboss.resteasy.util.CaseInsensitiveMap;
the code looks like this, I'm about to try running it:
CaseInsensitiveMap queryParamterMap = new CaseInsensitiveMap();
queryParamterMap.putSingle("action", "getprofile");
queryParamterMap.putSingle("busta", "27184283");
response = JerseyClientSingleton.get (endpointUrl
The "" is the request body, and "method" is a String parameter set to "GET"... I'll let ya know how it goes in a minute... (but feel free to correct me on anything that needs it...)
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14 years, 6 months
Re: [jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss ESB Development] - httprouter issues with GET/POST WADL Services and Web Routing
by jack lista
jack lista [] replied to the discussion
"httprouter issues with GET/POST WADL Services and Web Routing"
To view the discussion, visit:
I'm trying to run down some of the last issues so I can try to get this stuff running. There is an HttpRequest class that's extracted from the incoming message (in my case this won't exist, as I'm not trying to route, but to simply make an outgoing request) and you use the query params to supply to the outgoing GET request. I'm trying to make sure I have the right imports, so checking your HttpRequest from the jboss package (org.jboss.soa.esb.http.HttpRequest) against the javadocs, I'm seeing a slight discrepancy, here's the call imbedded in your http client get call:
response = JerseyClientSingleton.get(endpointUrl
from:, see HttpRequest
There's a *similar* method called "getFormParameters()" but nothing called getQueryParams(), am I looking at the right class here?
Also, since I don't have an incoming request, it looks like I'll have to go construct this:
Where can I read about how to use this thing? I'm looking at the Jersey site but it's not clear exactly what I need to look at, any pointer to relevant docs woiuld be great...
I have now got this code to compile and load into the ESB, but I had to comment out one of your "get" methods from the JerseyClientSingleton class you get me, the compiler didn't like the ambiguity between the two supplied methods. I am manually constructing the 2nd map parameter for the "get" method as I have no incoming request to exploit to get this value, I'm making a fresh GET request with a couple of String valued query parameters, so I used a CaseInsensitiveMap, which implements the spec'ed interface. If any of this looks off base to you, please do tell, I've no familiarity with Jersey whatsoever, but I am just trying to make a pretty simple GET request. I will go try reading up on the Jersey code and it's care and feeding, but any details relating to this would be much appreciated. Also, I'm kind of surprised, what with jboss making statements about REST that it takes this level of screwing around to make a simple service call from an action pipeline, so there really is no support other than roll your own, eh? Anyway, thanks a *ton* for your kind contribution of code, and I will set about to getting this stuff working, any further details and / or pointers to docs gladly accepted...
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14 years, 6 months