Re: [jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss AS7 Development] - Format of a Detyped Operation Request
by Brian Stansberry
Brian Stansberry [] commented on the document
"Format of a Detyped Operation Request"
To view all comments on this document, visit:
I've gotten suggestions for "op" and "addr" as well.
There's a couple factors that I think are important:
1) We're using a flat structure for the request, which makes it easier to write; i.e. no "…
[View More]parameters" level. So, these become reserved words; i.e. can't be used as the name of a parameter.
2) We want it to be easy to create (i.e. type) requests, so I've shied away from real long names. Perhaps this isn't so important though. If people are creating requests using jboss-dmr, they'll likely use a constant or some utility and won't be typing "operation-target". Same with people using REST. And with the CLI, we can probably eliminate most of the need to type "op" and "op-addr" in requests.
Telnet? Hmm. We need to secure it. Right now it's a binary protocol, but it should be easy enough to develop non-Java clients for it.
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14 years, 2 months
[JBoss AS7 Development] - AS7 subsystem integration notes
by Alessio Soldano
Alessio Soldano [] modified the document:
"AS7 subsystem integration notes"
To view the document, visit:
This page aims at collecting misc tips, idea, etc. that are likely to be useful when adding a new subsystem integration on AS 7, even if only to save some time debugging and looking for the reason of issues; feel free to …
[View More]contribute also adding new categories below.
h2. Modules and classloading
h3. Service API
The services attribute of the module element allows for enabling import of META-INF/services/... declarations in dependency modules. That's useful for instance when doing something like classLoader.getResourceAsStream("META-INF/service/foo") and expecting all the META-INF/services/.. declarations in the modules contributing to defining the classloader to be considered, not only those in the main module the classloader comes from.
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="">
<!-- Insert resources here -->
<module name="" />
<module name="" services="import"/>
Comment by going to Community
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14 years, 2 months
[jBPM Development] - Timer error
by abhijit passi
abhijit passi [] created the discussion
"Timer error"
To view the discussion, visit:
I am trying to out a timer around ESBActionHandlerNode, but the transition never happens
Here is the code
<node name="FetchUserEsb">
<action class="…
[View More]EsbActionHandler">
<mapping esb="BODY_CONTENT" bpm="userList" />
<timer name='timeout' duedate='10 seconds' transition='TimeOut' >
<transition to="MailSetUpNode" name="MailSetUpNode"></transition>
<transition to="ExceptionNode" name="exception"></transition>
<transition to="TimeOut" name="TimeOut"></transition>
can anyone tell me whats wrong here?
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14 years, 2 months
[JBoss AS7 Development] - Detyped Description of the AS 7 Management Model
by Brian Stansberry
Brian Stansberry [] modified the document:
"Detyped Description of the AS 7 Management Model"
To view the document, visit:
AS 7's management API will naturally include the ability for clients to query the management system to discover meta-information about the management model; i.e. what resources are available and what attributes …
[View More]and operations they expose. These details will be returned in a detyped form, either using the jboss-dmr library or JSON. (A JMX interface based on open mbeans will also be provided; most concepts in this article map naturally to JMX.) The purpose of this article is to describe the detyped representation of the API.
Readers are encouraged to look at the example detyped descriptions of parts of the management API at the bottom before reading the details.
+TODO -- add initial section showing using the Java API to access the information described below.+
h3. Description of addressable portions of the management model
All portions of the management model exposed by AS 7 are addressable via an ordered list of key/value pairs. For each addressable portion of the model, the following descriptive information will be available:
* description -- String -- text description of this portion of the model
* head-comment-allowed -- boolean -- indicates whether this portion of the model can store an XML comment that would be written in the persistent form of the model (e.g. domain.xml) before the start of the XML element that represents this portion of the model. This item is optional, and if not present defaults to true.
* tail-comment-allowed -- boolean -- similar to head-comment-allowed, but indicates whether a comment just before the close of the XML element is supported. A tail comment can only be supported if the element has child elements, in which case a comment can be inserted between the final child element and the element's closing tag. This item is optional, and if not present defaults to true.
* attributes -- Map of String (the attribute name) to complex structure -- the configuration attributes available in this portion of the model. See below for the representation of each attribute.
* operations -- Map of String (the operation name) to complex structure -- the operations that can be targetted at this address. See below for the representation of each operation.
* children -- Map of String (the type of child) to complex structure -- the relationship of this portion of the model to other addressable portions of the model. See below for the representation of each child relationship.
"description => "A managable resource",
"tail-comment-allowed" => false,
"attributes" => {
"foo" => {
.... details of attribute foo
"operations" => {
"start" => {
.... details of the start operation
"children" => {
"bar" => {
.... details of the relationship with children of type "bar"
h4. Description of an Attribute
An attribute is a portion of the management model that is not directly addressable. Instead, it is conceptually a property of an addressable part of the model. For each attribute portion of the model, the following descriptive information will be available:
* description -- String -- text description of the attribute
* type -- org.jboss.dmr.ModelType -- the type of the attribute value. One of the enum values BIG_DECIMAL, BIG_INTEGER, BOOLEAN, BYTES, DOUBLE, INT, LIST, LONG, OBJECT, PROPERTY, STRING. Most of these are self-explanatory. An OBJECT will be represented in the detyped model as a map of string keys to values of some other legal type, conceptually similar to a A PROPERTY is a single key/value pair, where the key is a string, and the value is of some other legal type.
* value-type -- ModelType or complex structure -- Only present if type is LIST or OBJECT. If type is LIST or all the values of the OBJECT type are of the same type, this will be one of the ModelType enums BIG_DECIMAL, BIG_INTEGER, BOOLEAN, BYTES, DOUBLE, INT, LIST, LONG, PROPERTY, STRING. Otherwise, value-type will detail the structure of the attribute value, enumerating the value's fields and the type of their value.
* required -- boolean -- true if the attribute will always exist in a representation of its portion of the model; false if it may not (implying a null value.) If not present, true is the default.
* head-comment-allowed -- boolean -- indicates whether the model can store an XML comment that would be written in the persistent form of the model (e.g. domain.xml) before the start of the XML element that represents this attribute. This item is optional, and if not present defaults to *false*. (This is a different default from is used for an addressable portion of the model, since model attributes often map to XML attributes, which don't allow comments.)
* tail-comment-allowed -- boolean -- similar to head-comment-allowed, but indicates whether a comment just before the close of the XML element is supported. A tail comment can only be supported if the element has child elements, in which case a comment can be inserted between the final child element and the element's closing tag. This item is optional, and if not present defaults to *false*. (This is a different default from is used for an addressable portion of the model, since model attributes often map to XML attributes, which don't allow comments.)
* arbitrary key/value pairs that further describe the attribute value, e.g. "max" => 2. See "Arbitrary Descriptors" below.
"foo" => {
"description" => "The foo",
"type" => INT,
"max" => 2
"bar" => {
"description" => "The bar",
"type" => OBJECT,
"value-type" => {
"size" => INT,
"color" => STRING
h3. Description of an Operation
An addressable portion of the model may have operations associated with it. The description of an operation will include the following information:
* operation-name -- String -- the name of the operation
* description -- String -- text description of the operation
* request-properties -- Map of String to complex structure -- description of the parameters of the operation. Keys are the names of the parameters, values are descriptions of the parameter value types. See below for details on the description of parameter value types.
* reply-properties -- complex structure, or empty -- description of the return value of the operation, with an empty node meaning void.
h4. Description of an Operation Parameter or Return value
* description -- String -- text description of the parameter or return value
* type -- org.jboss.dmr.ModelType -- the type of the parameter or return value. One of the enum values BIG_DECIMAL, BIG_INTEGER, BOOLEAN, BYTES, DOUBLE, INT, LIST, LONG, OBJECT, PROPERTY, STRING.
* value-type -- ModelType or complex structure -- Only present if type is LIST or OBJECT. If type is LIST or all the values of the OBJECT type are of the same type, this will be one of the ModelType enums BIG_DECIMAL, BIG_INTEGER, BOOLEAN, BYTES, DOUBLE, INT, LIST, LONG, PROPERTY, STRING. Otherwise, value-type will detail the structure of the attribute value, enumerating the value's fields and the type of their value.
* required -- boolean -- Only relevant to parameters. true if the parameter must be present in the request object used to invoke the operation; false if it can omitted. If not present, true is the default.
* nillable -- boolean -- true if null is a valid value. If not present, false is the default.
* arbitrary key/value pairs that further describe the attribute value, e.g. "max" =>2. See "Arbitrary Descriptors" below.
"operation-name" => "incrementFoo",
"description" => "Increase the value of the 'foo' attribute by the given amount",
"request-properties" => {
"increment" => {
"type" => INT,
"description" => "The amount to increment",
"required" => true
"reply-properties" => {
"type" => INT,
"description" => "The new value",
"operation-name" => "start",
"description" => "Starts the thing",
"request-properties" => {},
"reply-properties" => {}
h2. Arbitrary Descriptors
The description of an attribute, operation parameter or operation return value type can include arbitrary key/value pairs that provide extra information. Whether a particular key/value pair is present depends on the context, e.g. a pair with key "max" would probably only occur as part of the description of some numeric type.
Following are standard keys and their expected value type. If descriptor authors want to add an arbitrary key/value pair to some descriptor and the semantic matches the meaning of one of the following items, the standard key/value type should be used.
* min -- int -- the minimum value of some numeric type. The absence of this item implies there is no minimum value.
* max -- int -- the maximum value of some numeric type. The absence of this item implies there is no maximum value.
* min-length -- int -- the minimum length of some string, list or byte[] type. The absence of this item implies a minimum length of zero.
* max-length -- int -- the maximum length of some string, list or byte[]. The absence of this item implies there is no maximum value.
* nillable -- boolean -- whether null is a legal value. The absence of this item implies false; i.e. null is not a legal value.
* allowed -- List -- a list of legal values. The type of the elements in the list should match the type of the attribute.
h2. Description of Parent/Child Relationships
The address used to target an addressable portions of the model must be an ordered list of key value pairs. The effect of this requirement is the addressable portions of the model naturally form a tree structure, with parent nodes in the tree defining what the valid keys are and the children defining what the valid values are. The parent node also defines the cardinality of the relationship. The description of the parent node includes a children element that describes these relationships:
"children" => {
"connector" => {
.... description of the relationship with children of type "connector"
"virtual-host" => {
.... description of the relationship with children of type "virtual-host"
The description of each relationship will include the following elements:
* description -- String -- text description of the relationship
* min-occurs -- int, either 0 or 1 -- Minimum number of children of this type that must exist in a valid model. If not present, the default value is 0.
* max-occurs -- int -- Maximum number of children of this type that may exist in a valid model. If not present, the default value is Integer.MAX_VALUE, i.e. there is no limit.
* allowed -- List of strings -- legal values for children names. If not present, there is no restriction on children names.
* model-description -- either "undefined" or a complex structure -- This is the full description of the child resource (its text description, attributes, operations, children) as detailed above. This may also be "undefined", i.e. a null value, if the query that asked for the parent node's description did not include the "recursive" param set to true.
Example with if the recursive flag was set to true:
"description" => "The connectors used to handle client connections",
"min-occurs" > 1,
"model-description" => {
"description" => "Handles client connections",
"attributes => {
... details of children as documented above
"operations" => {
.... details of operations as documented above
"children" => {
.... details of the children's children
If the recursive flag was false:
"description" => "The connectors used to handle client connections",
"min-occurs" > 1,
"model-description" => undefined
h2. Example Representation of a Portion of the Domain Controller API
"description" => "The root node of the domain-level management model.",
"attributes" => {
"namespaces" => {
"type" => OBJECT,
"value-type" => STRING,
"description" => "Map of namespaces used in the configuration XML document, where keys are namespace prefixes and values are schema URIs.",
"required" => false
"schema-locations" => {
"type" => OBJECT,
"value-type" => STRING,
"description" => "Map of locations of XML schemas used in the configuration XML document, where keys are schema URIs and values are locations where the schema can be found.",
"required" => false
"operations" => "TODO",
"children" => {
"extension" => {
"description" => "A list of extension modules.",
"model-description" => "TODO"
"path" => {
"description" => "A list of named filesystem paths. The paths may or may not be fully specified (i.e. include the actual paths.)",
"model-description" => {
"description" => "A named filesystem path, but without a requirement to specify the actual path. If no actual path is specified, acts as a placeholder in the model (e.g. at the domain level) until a fully specified path definition is applied at a lower level (e.g. at the host level, where available addresses are known.)",
"tail-comment-allowed" => false,
"attributes" => {
"name" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The name of the path. Cannot be one of the standard fixed paths provided by the system: <ul><li>jboss.home - the root directory of the JBoss AS distribution</li><li>user.home - user's home directory</li><li>user.dir - user's current working directory</li><li>java.home - java installation directory</li><li>jboss.server.base.dir - root directory for an individual server instance</li></ul> Note that the system provides other standard paths that can be overridden by declaring them in the configuration file. See the 'relative-to' attribute documentation for a complete list of standard paths.",
"required" => true
"path" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The actual filesystem path. Treated as an absolute path, unless the 'relative-to' attribute is specified, in which case the value is treated as relative to that path. <p>If treated as an absolute path, the actual runtime pathname specified by the value of this attribute will be determined as follows: </p>If this value is already absolute, then the value is directly used. Otherwise the runtime pathname is resolved in a system-dependent way. On UNIX systems, a relative pathname is made absolute by resolving it against the current user directory. On Microsoft Windows systems, a relative pathname is made absolute by resolving it against the current directory of the drive named by the pathname, if any; if not, it is resolved against the current user directory.",
"required" => false,
"min-length" => 1
"relative-to" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The name of another previously named path, or of one of the standard paths provided by the system. If 'relative-to' is provided, the value of the 'path' attribute is treated as relative to the path specified by this attribute. The standard paths provided by the system include:<ul><li>jboss.home - the root directory of the JBoss AS distribution</li><li>user.home - user's home directory</li><li>user.dir - user's current working directory</li><li>java.home - java installation directory</li><li>jboss.server.base.dir - root directory for an individual server instance</li><li> - directory the server will use for persistent data file storage</li><li>jboss.server.log.dir - directory the server will use for log file storage</li><li>jboss.server.tmp.dir - directory the server will use for temporary file storage</li><li>jboss.domain.servers.dir - directory under which a host controller will create the working area for individual server instances</li></ul>",
"required" => false
"operations" => {
"add" => {
"operation-name" => "add",
"description" => "Add a new 'path' child",
"request-properties" => {
"name" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The value of the path's 'name' attribute",
"required" => true,
"min-length" => 1,
"nillable" => false
"path" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The value of the path's 'path' attribute",
"required" => false,
"min-length" => 1,
"nillable" => true
"relative-to" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The value of the path's 'relative-to' attribute",
"required" => false,
"min-length" => 1,
"nillable" => true
"reply-properties" => {}
"remove" => {
"operation-name" => "remove",
"description" => "Remove a 'path' child",
"request-properties" => {"name" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The value of the path's 'name' attribute",
"required" => true,
"min-length" => 1,
"nillable" => false
"reply-properties" => {}
"setPath" => {
"operation-name" => "setPath",
"description" => "Set the value of the 'path' attribute",
"request-properties" => {"path" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The new value of the 'path' attribute",
"required" => true,
"min-length" => 1,
"nillable" => true
"reply-properties" => {}
"setRelativeTo" => {
"operation-name" => "setRelativeTo",
"description" => "Set the value of the 'relative-to' attribute",
"request-properties" => {"relative-to" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The new value of the 'relative-to' attribute",
"required" => true,
"nillable" => true
"reply-properties" => {}
"profile" => {
"description" => "A list of profiles available for use in the domain",
"min-occurs" => 1,
"model-description" => {
"description" => "A named set of subsystem configurations.",
"attributes" => {"name" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The name of the profile",
"required" => true,
"min-length" => 1
"operations" => {},
"children" => {
"subsystem" => {
"description" => "The subsystems that make up the profile.",
"min-occurs" => 1,
"model-description" => {}
"include" => {"model-description" => {
"description" => "Specifies that a contents of a named profile are to be included in the profile whose definition includes this item.",
"head-comment-allowed" => true,
"tail-comment-allowed" => false,
"attributes" => {"profile" => {
"type" => LIST,
"description" => "The name of the included profile",
"required" => true,
"value-type" => STRING
"operations" => "TODO"
"interface" => {
"description" => "A list of named network interfaces available for use in the domain. The interfaces may or may not be fully specified (i.e. include criteria on how to determine their IP address.",
"min-occurs" => 0,
"model-description" => "TODO"
"socket-binding-group" => {
"description" => "A list of socket binding groups available for use in the domain",
"min-occurs" => 0,
"model-description" => "TODO"
"system-property" => {
"description" => "A list of system properties to set on all servers in the domain.",
"min-occurs" => 0,
"model-description" => "TODO"
"deployment" => {
"description" => "A list of deployments available for use in the domain",
"min-occurs" => 0,
"model-description" => "TODO"
"server-group" => {
"description" => "A list of server groups available for use in the domain",
"min-occurs" => 0,
"model-description" => "TODO"
"host" => {
"description" => "Host controllers currently running in the domain",
"min-occurs" => 0,
"model-description" => "TODO"
h2. Example Representation of a Portion of the Host Controller API
"description" => "The root node of the host-level management model.",
"attributes" => {
"namespaces" => {
"type" => OBJECT,
"value-type" => STRING,
"description" => "Map of namespaces used in the configuration XML document, where keys are namespace prefixes and values are schema URIs.",
"required" => false
"schema-locations" => {
"type" => OBJECT,
"value-type" => STRING,
"description" => "Map of locations of XML schemas used in the configuration XML document, where keys are schema URIs and values are locations where the schema can be found.",
"required" => false
"management" => {
"description" => "Configuration of the host's management system.",
"type" => OBJECT,
"value-type" => {
"interface" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "Interface on which the host's socket for intra-domain management communication should be opened.",
"required" => false
"port" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "Port on which the host's socket for intra-domain management communication should be opened.",
"required" => false
"required" => true,
"head-comment-allowed" => true
"domain-controller" => {
"description" => "Configuration of how the host should interact with the Domain Controller",
"type" => OBJECT,
"value-type" => "TODO",
"required" => true,
"head-comment-allowed" => true,
"tail-comment-allowed" => true
"operations" => {
"start-server" => {
"operation-name" => "start-server",
"description" => "Start a server.",
"request-properties" => {"server" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The name of the server.",
"required" => true,
"min-length" => 1
"reply-properties" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The status of the server following execution of this operation."
"restart-server" => {
"operation-name" => "restart-server",
"description" => "Restart a currently running server.",
"request-properties" => {"server" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The name of the server.",
"required" => true,
"min-length" => 1
"reply-properties" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The status of the server following execution of this operation."
"stop-server" => {
"operation-name" => "stop-server",
"description" => "Stop a currently running server.",
"request-properties" => {"server" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The name of the server.",
"required" => true,
"min-length" => 1
"reply-properties" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The status of the server following execution of this operation."
"children" => {
"extension" => {
"description" => "A list of extension modules.",
"min-occurs" => 0,
"model-description" => "TODO"
"path" => {
"description" => "A list of named filesystem paths.",
"min-occurs" => 0,
"model-description" => {
"description" => "A named filesystem path, but without a requirement to specify the actual path. If no actual path is specified, acts as a placeholder in the model (e.g. at the domain level) until a fully specified path definition is applied at a lower level (e.g. at the host level, where available addresses are known.)",
"tail-comment-allowed" => false,
"attributes" => {
"name" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The name of the path. Cannot be one of the standard fixed paths provided by the system: <ul><li>jboss.home - the root directory of the JBoss AS distribution</li><li>user.home - user's home directory</li><li>user.dir - user's current working directory</li><li>java.home - java installation directory</li><li>jboss.server.base.dir - root directory for an individual server instance</li></ul> Note that the system provides other standard paths that can be overridden by declaring them in the configuration file. See the 'relative-to' attribute documentation for a complete list of standard paths.",
"required" => true
"path" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The actual filesystem path. Treated as an absolute path, unless the 'relative-to' attribute is specified, in which case the value is treated as relative to that path. <p>If treated as an absolute path, the actual runtime pathname specified by the value of this attribute will be determined as follows: </p>If this value is already absolute, then the value is directly used. Otherwise the runtime pathname is resolved in a system-dependent way. On UNIX systems, a relative pathname is made absolute by resolving it against the current user directory. On Microsoft Windows systems, a relative pathname is made absolute by resolving it against the current directory of the drive named by the pathname, if any; if not, it is resolved against the current user directory.",
"required" => true,
"min-length" => 1
"relative-to" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The name of another previously named path, or of one of the standard paths provided by the system. If 'relative-to' is provided, the value of the 'path' attribute is treated as relative to the path specified by this attribute. The standard paths provided by the system include:<ul><li>jboss.home - the root directory of the JBoss AS distribution</li><li>user.home - user's home directory</li><li>user.dir - user's current working directory</li><li>java.home - java installation directory</li><li>jboss.server.base.dir - root directory for an individual server instance</li><li> - directory the server will use for persistent data file storage</li><li>jboss.server.log.dir - directory the server will use for log file storage</li><li>jboss.server.tmp.dir - directory the server will use for temporary file storage</li><li>jboss.domain.servers.dir - directory under which a host controller will create the working area for individual server instances</li></ul>",
"required" => false
"operations" => {
"add" => {
"operation-name" => "add",
"description" => "Add a new 'path' child",
"request-properties" => {
"name" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The value of the path's 'name' attribute",
"required" => true,
"min-length" => 1
"path" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The value of the path's 'path' attribute",
"required" => true,
"min-length" => 1
"relative-to" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The value of the path's 'relative-to' attribute",
"required" => false,
"min-length" => 1,
"nillable" => true
"reply-properties" => {}
"remove" => {
"operation-name" => "remove",
"description" => "Remove a 'path' child",
"request-properties" => {"name" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The value of the path's 'name' attribute",
"required" => true,
"min-length" => 1
"reply-properties" => {}
"setPath" => {
"operation-name" => "setPath",
"description" => "Set the value of the 'path' attribute",
"request-properties" => {"path" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The new value of the 'path' attribute",
"required" => true,
"min-length" => 1
"reply-properties" => {}
"setRelativeTo" => {
"operation-name" => "setRelativeTo",
"description" => "Set the value of the 'relative-to' attribute",
"request-properties" => {"relative-to" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The new value of the 'relative-to' attribute",
"required" => true,
"nillable" => true
"reply-properties" => {}
"system-property" => {
"description" => "A list of system properties to set on all servers on the host.",
"min-occurs" => 0
"model-description" => "TODO"
"interface" => {
"description" => "A list of fully specified named network interfaces available for use on the host.",
"min-occurs" => 0
"model-description" => "TODO"
"jvm" => {
"description" => "A list of Java Virtual Machine configurations that can be applied ot servers on the host.",
"min-occurs" => 0
"model-description" => "TODO"
"server-config" => {
"description" => "Host-level configurations for the servers that can run on this host.",
"min-occurs" => 0
"model-description" => {}
"server" => {
"description" => "Servers currently running on the host",
"min-occurs" => 0
"model-description" => "TODO"
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14 years, 2 months