Pete Muir [] commented on the document
"List of APIs Exposed Through AS7"
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I guess this is just to seed the BOM and then once that is done we can move using the normal system?
Clebert Suconic [] modified the document:
"List of APIs Exposed Through AS7"
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Project Leads:
This is a listing of all APIs that are to be exposed to users via JBoss AS7. Please note the Maven coordinates (ie. GAVs - groupId, artifactId, version not necessary) that users can expect to rely upon when developing software targeted for the AS7 runtime. We will be exporting these dependencies via
Also note all dependent libraries needed for compilation. When adding these to the API POM, we will be excluding out transitive dependencies.
This process is defined by
Please keep the list below in alphabetical order.
|| *Project* || *Lead* || *groupIds* || *artifactIds* || *Packages to Assert* ||
| HornetQ | Clebert Suconic ( | org.hornetq | hornetq-core | org.hornetq.api.core.*
org.hornetq.api.core.client.** |
| ShrinkWrap | Andrew Rubinger ( | org.jboss.shrinkwrap | shrinkwrap-api | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.*
org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.* |
| ShrinkWrap Descriptors Integration | Andrew Rubinger ( | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptors | shrinkwrap-descriptors-archive-integration | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.descriptors.* |
| ShrinkWrap Resolver | Andrew Rubinger ( | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver | shrinkwrap-resolver-api
shrinkwrap-resolver-api-maven | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.resolver.*
org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.resolver.maven.filter.* |
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ramakrishna sarma ganti [] created the discussion
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As part of the workflow process, i need to design a service node that has to call an existing service(for ex..a Registration Service).I have to design a node called as Registration that registers a user.The registration service is an existing one with its own database.How could I design the Registration Service node to be able to connect to the existing serive and complete the registraion task.
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David Lloyd [] created the discussion
"Remote Txn Inflow: Synchronizations"
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I recall that we discussed that support for synchronization callbacks will be required with transaction inflow. Did we reach a conclusion as to whether we need to support interposed versus "regular" synchronizations? It seems easy enough to support this on the client side in any case.
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Anil Saldhana [] created the document:
"Primer on Web Security in JBoss AS"
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This article is a one stop resource for web security in JBoss Application Server. Even though the configuration may change between major versions of JBoss Application Server, the features should be available starting JBoss AS 5 and beyond.
h2. What is provided by Java EE in terms of Web Security?
The main security constructs in Web Security come from the web.xml security configurations until Java EE5. These are reasonably documented in a use case manner at
Starting Java EE6, with the introduction of the Servlet 3 specification, you have some security annotations that allow your to configure your servlets with security information.
Some examples are:
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Andrew Rubinger [] commented on the document
"List of APIs Exposed Through AS7"
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Nah, the list is an initial inventory so I can populate the api/pom.xml accordingly. Changes to that POM can go through the pull request process.