Dan Sirbu [
http://community.jboss.org/people/lmcdasi] created the discussion
"Re: can I avoid a service to block as7 startup ?"
To view the discussion, visit:
Well, the Framework depends "ok" on the SubsystemState. And since they run on
the same thread the Framework will wait until Subsytem finishes.
The problem comes from the fact that the SubsystemState has NO clue how many modules are
to be set. Thus it does not know how many adds need to be performed in order for the
Subsystem Model to be created ok. The adds are comming in parallel with the SubsytemState
start method .....
So, to sync ok, the SubsystemState "start" method needs to block the startup
UNTIL the model is properly set with all modules otherwise the SubsystemState cannot have
built the proper structure.
And I see a similar issue within the jboss-as-osgi-service .....
So again, how to properly synchronize this ....
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