Sven-Jørgen Karlsen [] commented on the
"JBoss AS7: Security : Running under a Java Security Manager"
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Hi, thanks for the article. I tried this to get 7.1.1.Final to boot up with a policy file,
using a rule like the following:
grant codeBase "file:${jboss.home.dir}/jboss-modules.jar" {
Moving on to the interesting part, applying rules to my deployment, I couldn't
formulate an URI to adress the correct deployment unit in the codeBase attribute. E.g:
rules like:
grant codeBase
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";
didn't apply. But a general rule without codeBase, works. I suspect this might have
something to do with VFS. So the question is: how do you address a deployment unit in
codeBases of policy grants?