Daniel Jipa [
https://community.jboss.org/people/danjee] created the discussion
"Re: Remote client access with database login module: user name and password are
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Seems like all remote calls have to be authenticated by remoting-connector.
This is the key <connector name="remoting-connector"
socket-binding="remoting" security-realm="TutorialRealm"/> where
whole jboss ejb remote access is tied to a single app realm. Seems like a mess. If you
have multiple apps on the same server with own security, maintaining acces to them with
remote client is going to be nightmare.
My workaround for this was to put a jar file with a dummy login module that just let
authentication requests pass, considering that other security-domains are enabled in
Application login module must have <module-option name="password-stacking"
value="useFirstPass"/> to piggy back on cached Principal/Credentials
That didn't work for me in JBoss 7.1.1. Do I miss other configurations for making
cache to work ?
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