Christopher Zaw [] created the discussion
"Re: How to use JPAKnowledgeService ?"
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Hi Mauricio,
I'm developing a POC(web application).
(Human Task 1) The accountant submits the request form.
(Human Task 2) HOD adds in extra remark and approve the forms.
(Human Task 3) The accountant views the form.
I have mina server running with database for tasks. And pooling datasource for process
database. Both in mysql with BTM.
I start the process with the session I got from
*JPAKnowledgeService.newStatefulKnowledgeSession.* I used Human Task View (Eclipse plugin)
to query the tasks pending for accountant, I got a task(s). But when I complete the task,
the task is not routed to HOD (When I query task list for HOD using the previous method,
no tasks return). HOD is an actor in another Human Task node.
I also tried with
*ManagementFactory.createTaskManagement().getAssignedTasks("hod")* , the result
is the same, no tasks return for actor(HOD in my case).
If I can get the task assign to HOD, I want to retrieve the varibles associated with the
process, show it on the form and add in one more varible called remark when the HOD
approved the form with remark. Then the task will route to another human task whose actor
is Accountant. That is what I'm trying to achieve.
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