Darrin Mison [
http://community.jboss.org/people/Darrin] created the discussion
"DOCS: Researching details for standalone clustering"
To view the discussion, visit:
+*Posting here while waiting for approval on mailto:jboss-as7-dev@lists.jboss.org
Hi, I'm chasing down details about the "standalone clustering" (as included
in Beta3) for documentation.
I've noted the following:
1. There's a clustering-standalone.xml configuration file in standalone/configuration
that you can start the server with using ./standalone.sh
2. This configuration differs from the standard config in that:1. the
org.jboss.as.clustering extension is enabled
2. some additional items are configured in the urn:jboss:domain:osgi:1.0 subsystem
3. 2 new subsystems configured (jgroups and infinispan)
4. 6 new socket bindings added to the standard-sockets group for jgroups
So exactly what feature set does this give you out of the box for clustering?
I'm guessing session replication between standalone instances with JGroups for
intra-node communication and Infinispan for storage?
Anything else?
How does each instance determine which other instances it should be clustered with?
Does this work with multiple instances on one machine (multi-homed or on different ports)?
Can multiple standalone instances using "cluster" configuration live on the same
network but not all be one cluster? Like 10 instances as 2 clusters of 5 for example?
Are there any known changes that are going to be made to this feature set for GA ?
Thanks in advance.
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