I am porting the StdServerSession/StdServerSessionPool code changes in HEAD and I had a
few questions.
To support the code I need to figure out a way to get the XidFactory into the
JmsServerSession. The TransactionManager is no problem because I can have the
JmsActivation look him up from JNDI. However, the XidFactory is not bound by default.
Rather than casting the TM to get the XidFactory or trying to look up the XidFactory MBean
directly (wanting to keep JMX out of the adapter), I thought maybe the approach would be
to have the XidFactory service bind itself into JNDI. At that point, it's the same
process as looking up the TransactionManager.
The other approach would be to use the XidFactoryImpl directly, but I don't like the
idea of this.
Other alternatives would be to create a TransactionManagerProviderAdapter thing, on the
same level as the JNDIProviderAdapter.
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