James Perkins [
http://community.jboss.org/people/jamezp] modified the document:
"JBoss Logging Tooling"
To view the document, visit:
*+** Note:+* +This document is currently targeted at JBoss Logging 3.0.0 CR1 and JBoss
Logging Tooling 1.0.0 Beta8-SNAPSHOT (the reason for the snapshot is a bug retrieving
loggers from translated loggers)+.
h2. Why?
If you want to internationalize (i18n) your logging, exception messages and messages in
general, then along with JBoss Logging 3.x, JBoss Logging Tools is for you. It provides an
easy way to offer internationalized messages, exceptions and logger messages to your
With JBoss Logging Tools you write interfaces and annotate the methods with a default
message. Then you or a translator will create a properties file with the translated text.
h2. How does it work?
JBoss Logging Tools uses an annotation processor to implement concrete classes of your
annotated interfaces. If you have also provided translation properties files, then a new
concrete class will be created extending the implementation and overriding the messages
The translation properties files must exist in the same directory structure as the
interface. The name of the properties file
+InterfaceName.i18n_language_country_variant.properties+. For example if you have a class
named +org.jboss.as.As7RocksMessages+ and you want to translate this into French you
create a properties file called +As7RocksMessages.i18n_fr.properties+ in a directory
h2. Dependencies
* JBoss Logging 3
* tools.jar or CodeModel (which can be found here
h2. Constraints
*The following annotations are defined:*
* @org.jboss.logging.MessageBundle - This annotation is attached to an interface which is
intended to be a message bundle (a generic source of translated strings; i.e. there are no
logging methods on the interface). Interfaces annotated with this annotation can be
instantiated via the Messages.getBundle(InterfaceName.class) method.
* @org.jboss.logging.MessageLogger - This annotation is attached to an interface which is
intended to act as a translating message logger. Such interfaces may include plain bundle
messages as well as logger messages. Interfaces annotated with this annotation can be
instantiated via the Logger.getMessageLogger(InterfaceName.class,
"category.name") method.
* @org.jboss.logging.Message - this annotation is attached to any interface method which
corresponds to a message which may be translated. This includes both simple messages and
log messages.
* @org.jboss.logging.LogMessage - this annotation is attached to log messages (in addition
to Message above), and includes additional information such as the log level for the
* @org.jboss.logging.Cause - this annotation is attached to a method parameter which
should be considered to be the causing java.lang.Throwable (or subclass thereof).
*Message bundle interfaces must conform to these rules:*
* The message bundle annotation may specify a project code.
* All methods defined on the message bundle interface must have a
@org.jboss.logging.Message annotation present, unless the method has the same name as
another method on the interface and same number of parameters (minus the cause parameter)
which has the annotation present.
* All methods defined on the message bundle interface must return either java.lang.String
or one of its supertypes, or java.lang.Throwable or one of its subtypes.
* All methods defined on the message bundle interface must accept a number of parameters
consistent with the format string on the value attribute of the @org.jboss.logging.Message
annotation. This assertion is complex to ascertain at compile-time, thus the no errors are
shown at compile time.
* The @org.jboss.logging.Cause annotation may appear at most once on any given
method's parameter list.
* If the method returns a java.lang.Throwable, the parameter marked as @Cause is passed in
to that Throwable's constructor if it has such a parameter; if not, then it is passed
in to the Throwable's initCause() method after the Throwable is constructed.
* If the method returns a java.lang.Throwable the message of the Throwable will
initialized with the message from the annotation if available.
* All of the @org.jboss.logging.Message annotations found on methods on all message bundle
interfaces with the same project code which specify an id must specify a unique number,
* A message bundle interface may extend other message bundle interfaces.
* A message bundle interface may extend java.io.Serializable; however, doing so is
superfluous as the implementation class will implement this interface regardless.
* A message bundle interface may not extend any other interfaces which do not fit the
criteria specified above.
*Message logger interfaces must conform to the above rules, except:*
* A message logger interface may not specify a @org.jboss.logging.MessageBundle
annotation; instead, it must specify a @org.jboss.logging.MessageLogger annotation (which
also has a property for project code).
* Any method on a message logger interface may additionally specify a
@org.jboss.logging.LogMessage annotation. This annotation signifies that the method is a
logger method.
* All logger methods must be declared to return void.
* A logger method may have a specified log level in the level property of the @LogMessage
* If multiple methods of the same name exist, any number of them may have @LogMessage
annotations. Only methods so annotated are log message methods. The rules regarding
equally-named methods on message bundles continue to apply.
* Log methods with a parameter marked as @Cause will pass that parameter in to the
appropriate log method as the causing exception.
* Message logger interfaces may extend other message logger interfaces in addition to the
rules for message bundle interfaces.
* Message logger interfaces may extend the @org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger interface. All
methods of the BasicLogger will be delegated to the logger being used for the log
*Parameter count rules:*
** You should be aware parameters are counted a little differently than a normal
overloaded method. The parameter count used for validation is comprised of a count of all
the parameters minus the *@Cause* parameter.
Example Code
More examples to come, but for now is is a source repository of examples on how to create
the interfaces for loggers and message bundles.
h2. How to set it up in your project?
Using the logging tool requires minimal set-up. For a maven project, the JBoss Logging
Tool library just needs to be in the build class path. The annotation processor must not
be disabled either.
<!-- Must be at least version 2.2 with a target of 1.6 to generate the
source files in
target/generated-sources -->
<!-- Optional if you wan to generate skeleton translation
properties files -->
When using an Eclipse project follow the instructions here
to enable annotation processing.
When using NetBeans as long as the library is in the class path, the annotations will
automatically be processed.
Intellij IDEA offers the following documentation to enable annotation processing.
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