Nick Boldt [] modified the document:
"Adding a Plugin (and/or Feature) To An Existing Component"
To view the document, visit:
+First, read this document on how to build JBoss Tools components locally:
h2. Adding a new plugin or feature to JBoss Tools
Now that you can build your component, you can easily add a new plugin to that component.
Here's how.
0. Make sure your new plugin compiles in your workspace. Ensure your MANIFEST.MF contains
all references/includes/requirements you need. Be sure to set the correct
Bundle-RequireExecutionEnvironment (eg., JDK5 or JDK6).
1. When you are satisfied, you can commit your new plugin project to SVN.
cd ~/trunk/as/plugins; \
svn add; \
svn ci -m "JBIDE-123456 Initial commit of new as.rse.core plugin"
2. Next, add a pom.xml file to the root of your new project.
You can use m2eclipse to help w/ this if you have it installed; otherwise copy from
another existing plugin project and edit appropriately. The version of the pom should
match the version in the Note that 3.2.0.qualifier (in MANIFEST.MF) is
equivalent to 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT in the pom.xml.
3. Build your plugin:
cd ~/trunk/as/plugins/; \
mvn3 clean install
4. If your component's new plugin builds successfully, you can commit the pom.xml
file, and add a reference to the new plugin (module) in the container pom:
vi ~/trunk/as/plugins/pom.xml
5. To ensure that your plugin is available on the update site, be sure that it is
contained in at least one feature's feature.xml.
vi ~/trunk/as/features/
6. If necessary, create a new feature to contain the new plugin - easiest approach is to
copy an existing feature project, and string-replace the various files until it suits your
needs. Don't forget to update .project and other hidden files.
svn add; \
svn ci -m "JBIDE-123456 Initial commit of new feature"
7. If your component's new feature builds successfully, you can commit the pom.xml
file, and add a reference to the new plugin (module) in the container pom:
vi ~/trunk/as/features/pom.xml
8. Next, ensure that the feature appears in all appropriate JBoss Tools update sites:
vi ~/trunk/as/site/category.xml # (the component's update site)
vi ~/trunk/build/aggregate/site/site.xml # (the JBoss Tools aggregate update site)
9. Finally, build the sites locally to ensure the XML is valid and the contents appear
correctly. You can then install the new feature from the sites into Eclipse or JBDS to
verify it runs as expected (no missing dependencies which prevent the plugin from being
activated, no missing metadata such as description, provider, license or copyright while
installing, etc.)
cd ~/trunk/as/; mvn clean install; # then point Eclipse at
+ and+
cd ~/trunk/build/aggregate/site; mvn clean install; # then point Eclipse at
h2. Adding a new plugin or feature to JBoss Developer Studio
10. Next, ensure that the feature appears in all appropriate JBoss Developer Studio update
vi ~/devstudio/trunk/product/site/site.xml # (the JBoss Developer Studio aggregate update
11. If you added a new feature, be sure that the feature is included in the JBDS feature
(or wrapped inside another feature) so that it will appear in the installer.
vi ~/devstudio/trunk/product/features/com.jboss.jbds.product.feature/feature.xml
12. Finally, build the sites locally to ensure the XML is valid and the contents appear
correctly. You can then install the new feature from the sites into Eclipse or JBDS to
verify it runs as expected (no missing dependencies which prevent the plugin from being
activated, no missing metadata such as description, provider, license or copyright while
installing, etc.)
cd ~/devstudio/trunk/product; mvn clean install; # then point *Eclipse* at
~/devstudio/trunk/product/site/target/site/ -- you won't be able to update JBDS using
this site+ and+
cd ~/devstudio/trunk/product; mvn clean install -f pom-site-and-product.xml; # then point
JBDS at ~/devstudio/trunk/product/features/com.jboss.jbds/target/repository/ and update
the "Branded Product" feature, com.jboss.jbds.all
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