"epbernard" wrote :
| "aslak" wrote :
| | They all 'share' the same base Archive impl as a backing, so there is no
problem having code like this:
| |
| |
| | | WebArchive war = new WebArchiveImpl(new MemoryMapArchiveImpl());
| | | EnterpriseArchive ear = new EnterpriseArchiveImpl(war.getInternalArchive());
| | |
| |
| well this code is fugly, that's a huge problem :)
Hehe, yes, that is fugly, but it was just to illustrate that the WebArchives backing can
easily be moved to run as the EnterpriseArchives backing.
"epbernard" wrote :
| "aslak" wrote :
| |
| | | EnterpriseArchive ear = new EnterpriseArchiveImpl(new
| | | WebArchive war = ear.getWebModule("my.war");
| | |
| |
| That's a different scenario here, you are creating a new archive so a dedicated
method makes sense.
True, but the getWebModule() impl would use the specializer api internally was the point.
"epbernard" wrote :
| Still it seems to me that delegation is less heavy on the specializer implementation
and subclassing the core archive impl does not give you much.
I'm not sure I understand. The way it is today is as following:
interface WebArchive extends ResourceContainer, ClassContainer....
WebArchiveImpl extends ContainerBase implements WebArchive -> has a Archive
WebArchiveImpl is a pure delegator to the Archive, but with some fixed prefix Paths etc to
follow the War spec, ie ClassContainer mappes to /WEB-INF/classes/.
There is no subclassing of the backing Archive(MemoryMapArchiveImpl) in WebArchiveImpl.
The different archive extensions(WarArchive, EnterpriseArchive etc) extend a common
ContainerBase class, but that is only as a convenient way of implementing the diff
I see no problem with adding a spercializes method to the Archive interface and having a
common impl in the ContainerBase(or even ArchiveBase) to load the spercialized impl.
Something like.
| public class ContainerBase {
| ...
| T specializes(Class<T extends Archive<T>> clazz) {
| return specializes(clazz, new BasicPath("/"))
| }
| T specializes(Class<T extends Archive<T>> clazz, Path basePath) {
| pesudo:
| lookup delegation implementation of clazz, ie WebArchiveImpl
| return new WebArchiveImpl(basePath, this.backingArchive);
| }
| ...
| }
This will open up for:
| EnterpriseArchive ear = ...
| WarArchive war = ear.specializes(WebArchive.class, "my.war");
| war = ear.getWebModule("my.war") {
| return this.specializes(WebArchive.class, "my.war");
| };
| JavaArchive jar = ...
| WebArchive war = jar.specializes(WebArchive.class);
The 'Descriptor' part is a bit different since it operates on the content of a
Asset, but if we turn them around to be pretty much the same as the archive extensions
WebArchiveDescriptor has a Archive.
and WebArchive no long impls WebArchiveDescriptor
we could do
| WebArchive war =
| WebArchiveDescriptor desc = war.specializes(WebArchiveDescriptor.class);
| desc.addServlet()...
Which is what you're referring to I guess..
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