The Kosmos deploy-portlet-liferay-portal.xml file pretty much just delegates to the
Liferay file that I pointed you too: portlet-deployer.xml.
I already had a working deployer (written in Java with the logic copied from
portlet-deployer.xml) before I decided to include Kosmos to the portal. So I cannot help
you with the process of troubleshooting either of the two Ant scripts.
The Liferay script is explict where it gets the jars, the bulk of which come from the
common/lib/ext directory plus also common/lib/servlet-api.jar. My deployer also adds the
liferay/WEB-INF/lib directory jar files to the classpath but I don't recall why.
I am using Liferay Professional 4.0 as it came bundled with Tomcat.
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