Yesterday while testing this, I realised that Transaction Completed notifications will
always happen regardless of whether I set the correct option override before the tx commit
and with NotifierImpl.notifyTransactionCompleted() modified accordingly.
The root cause here is that in LocalSynchronizationHandler.beforeCompletioninvocation()
invocation context options are subsitiuted with the ones from the transaction context:
// set any transaction wide options as current for this thread, caching original options
that would then be reset
| originalOptions = ctx.getOptionOverrides();
| transactionalOptions = transactionContext.getOption();
| ctx.setOptionOverrides(transactionalOptions);
So, when NotifierImpl.notifyTransactionCompleted() is called, no matter what overrides I
set before the tx.commit() call, they won't be used.
The quick'n'easy fix here would be doing something like this:
// set any transaction wide options as current for this thread, caching original options
that would then be reset
| originalOptions = ctx.getOptionOverrides();
| transactionalOptions = transactionContext.getOption();
| ctx.setOptionOverrides(transactionalOptions);
But I'm not 100% sure about this.
Another interesting point here related to the following parallel thread going on about
Options API ( is
that if we allow supression of transaction related notifications, then we'd need to
keep to thread local use for this particular Option as we can't change the TM API.
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