Actually, cancelling needs to be addresses in a much broader and general sense.
The loose term of cancel applies to many scenarios. From what I can see few of which are
well defined
* cancelling a process definition
- cascading to process instance or not
- allowing running instances to terminate gracefully or not
* cancelling a process instance
- implicit cancelling through RuntimeException
- explicit cancelling through user exception
- model defined error flow
- model defined compensation flow
* cancelling of single task instance
- general support for multiple task instance
Also, how does an error during signal and message processing affect the process instance
i.e. should the process be cancelled or not.
The above is merely a loose collection of related topics without the claim for
completeness. The scope of cancel support can be defined for 1-Jan. However, please beware
that there are much more basic and urgent topics to be covered.
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