David Lloyd [
http://community.jboss.org/people/david.lloyd%40jboss.com] replied to the
"domain.xml work"
To view the discussion, visit:
David Lloyd wrote:
If the domain.xml does, indeed, contain the authoritative representation of the domain,
then it does indeed need to contain, directly or indirectly, definitions of all serivces
available up to *and including* the list of active deployments. For example, as defined
in the existing requirements, a deployment can be associated with one or more server
groups, which are defined as part of the domain. If the domain doesn't map deployments
to server groups, what will? In addition, adding deployments can very well imply other
changes to domain.xml that are necessarily made at the same time. Everything I see in the
requirements says to me that the current deployment listing must be a part of the domain
This opens the door to new ideas. If the domain.xml (including deployment
listing) represents the current state of the domain, and server managers (SM) sync this
down, why not make it a versioned database? Then, if a SM comes up after some changes
were made on the domain controller (DC), the SM can pull down only the differences, just
like database replication. This is good in the case of a very complex configuration with
many deployments (the SM only has to pull down deployments that it needs [as defined by
the domain.xml] *and* that it doesn't already have). It may also allow something like
atomic deployment, where multiple deployment units *and/or* config changes are deployed as
a single unit. Also, the coolest thing of all would be the ability to *revert* the whole
domain to arbitrary previous states, by simply playing the log backwards.
If the differences prove too great (either in size or in age) to pull in diffs, then the
whole state can always be pulled down into the SM.
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