Daniel Jipa [
https://community.jboss.org/people/danjee] created the discussion
"Invoke logout() for a custom login module"
To view the discussion, visit:
How can I invoke the logout() method from my custom login module remotely from a swing
client ?
It seems that the username and password are cached even after calling
From a web application embedded in the ear it seems that logout is
called as expected upon session invalidation (without flushOnSessionInvalidation=true
Another question I have:
1) login with browser1 in web application *(login method is getting called)*
2) login with browser2 in web application with same credentials *(login method is not
getting called)*
3) logout from browser2 *(logout module is getting called)*
4) call a ejb method from browser1*(login module is getting called)*
Is this behavior normal ?*
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