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I'm working on this issue, and I have a question regarding tomcat-coyote.jar,
tomcat-http.jar and tomcat-util.jar.
I know what to do with jboss-remoting, serialization and aop. But I don't have any
clue about what to do with those. Should I replace them anywhere on the server?
Also.. I'm changing jboss-messaging-client.jar to use classpath argument on METAINF as
| Manifest-Version: 1.0
| Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0
| Created-By: 1.5.0_07-b03 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
| classpath: jboss-aop.jar jboss-remoting.jar jboss-serialization.jar ja
| vassist.jar trove.jar jboss-common-core.jar jboss-logging-log4j.jar j
| boss-logging-spi.jar jboss-j2ee.jar jboss-j2se.jar jnp-client.jar con
| current.jar log4j.jar commons-logging.jar tomcat-coyote.jar tomcat-ht
| tp.jar tomcat-util.jar
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