"adrian(a)jboss.org" wrote :
| * making the ManagedConnection an MBean, which is possible since ManagedConnections
| are relatively long lived.
| * forcing the MCF MBean to consolidate connection stats
I have started looking at JBAS-1808 and would like to get some pointers regarding the
implementation details
* making the ManagedConnection an MBean
1) When ManagedConnection is created it should be registered as MBean.
2) The ManagedConnection MBean will have to expose the management/statistics data.
3) Finally we need management/statistics related operations defined in MCF MBean which
will look/consolidate the data. The MCF MBean being referred here is
org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.RARDeployment .
The other option
* forcing the MCF MBean to consolidate connection stats
The org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.RARDeployment can be updated to pull all the
PreparedStatementCache data from the associated MCF instance which is available through
getMcfInstance() method .
The connection creation/destruction in MCF should update the PreparedStatementCache
related data in the MCF implementation(LocalManagedConnectionFactory Or
XAManagedConnectionFactory) , this needs to be implemented .
This option looks complex .
Looking at the original requirement I could think of pulling the PreparedStatementCache
from the JbossManagedConnectionPool MBean per DataSource.
As per the original requirement we need to
1) Get all the ManagedConnection from the Pool.
2) Find out the PreparedStatementCache associated with these ManagedConneciton in the
Here I see the related data being pulled from the
JbossManagedConnectionPool/InternalManagedConnectionPool .
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