"adrian(a)jboss.org" wrote :
| The top level managed object would know how to "reconstruct" the -ds.xml
| from the individual pieces, or preferably the lower managed objects
| would know where they fit in the whole.
| The ejb deployer would be similar with a collection of EJB managed objects
| and seperate one for the "deployment level" stuff.
| The idea being it is pretty easy for the deployer writers to create ManagedObjects
| (around their deployment descriptors - or more correctly parts of them)
| if we add the framework that knows how to present the descriptors (and update them)
| from annotations or xml) - we're really just wrapping their annotated metadata
| which they've told us how to map.
Its not that the ManagedObject is gone, its just not manifest to the user from the
aggregate ManagedDeployment and associated ManagedComponents. It still exists in terms of
the metadata instance attachment. A ManagedComponent is a collection of ManagedPropertys
that may have more than one ManagedObject depending on how many attachments make up the
"adrian(a)jboss.org" wrote :
| This looks very similar to your ManagedComponent but it doesn't have
| the notion of getting the attachment back again for the top level managed object
| (the whole deployment descriptor) so it can set it in the "predetermined managed
objects" for (re)deployment.
The attachment(s) for a given ManagedComponent is associated with the ManagedObject(s)
that make up the ManagedComponent ManagedPropertys. I am looking at an ejb/datasource as
the external component view an admin tool wants to work with being built up from multiple
metadata attachments from the various deployers/descriptors that contribute
ManagedPropertys to the component management view.
"adrian(a)jboss.org" wrote :
| Where the disconnect occurs (to me) is there is no idea of top level managed object
| (or top level managed component if you like) at all.
| The only aggregate is the ManagedDeployment. But the deployer writers don't
| (and shouldn't) care about this. e.g. The ejb deployer doesn't care if there
| also a META-INF/log4j.xml in an ejb jar, its irrelevant and orthogonal.
I do view the ManagedDeployment as the top level managed object. It will contain objects
extraneous to an ejb deployer just as the DeploymentUnit contains attachments the ejb
deployer does not care about. Maybe there does need to be a top level component that does
better correspond to the jsr88 DeploymentConfiguration for example. I was not viewing the
deployment descriptors as anything more than a serialized view of the attachment metadata,
but maybe there needs to be a stronger coupling due to jsr88 keeping the xml oriented
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