Craig Ringer [] commented on the document
"Hacking on AS7"
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It's frequently desirable when debugging AS7, or even just apps running on top of AS7,
to get the sources for absolutely everything an AS7 release includes - not just directly
JBoss AS 7 code, but things like Hibernate, Coyote, Mojarra, etc etc etc. An easy way to
do this would be seriously nice.
I landed up doing:
git clone
cd jboss-as
git checkout 7.1
mvn dependency:sources
mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc
for a somewhat unsatisfactory result, in that lots of libraries in the JBoss and Central
repositories lack sources and/or JavaDoc. While IMO Central should reject artifacts whose
pom specifies an open source license when not accompanied by sources and JavaDoc, alas it
doesn't, so lots of libs are binary only.
When debugging, it's a serious pain to run into things you don't have sources for.
How do *you* handle this? Is there some sane and simple technique to get all the sources,
or do you have to go delving into the version control for each project you need sources
for and do local Maven builds of the desired versions?