Tomaz Cerar [] modified the document:
"if-else control flow "
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h4. if-else controll flow was introduced in 7.2 builds
With if-else control flow you can choose which set of commands and operations to execute
based on a condition. The condition is a boolean expression which evaluates the response
of the operation (or command) specified in the if statement. Let's look at an example
if (outcome != success) of /system-property=test:read-resource
The *if* statement can be read as "if the outcome attribute of
/system-property=test:read-resource response is not success (which means the property does
not exist) then add the property and initialize it to true".
To understand the condition expression better, the result of
+/system-property=test:read-resource+ if the test property doesn't exist will be
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /system-property=test:read-resource
"outcome" => "failed",
"failure-description" => "JBAS014807: Management resource
'[(\"system-property\" => \"test\")]' not found",
"rolled-back" => true
You can see that the *outcome* attribute equals *failed*, so the expression in our *if*
statement will evaluate to true and the body of the *if* will be executed. If we execute
+read-resource+ after the *if* again we'll see
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /system-property=test:read-resource
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {"value" => "true"}
Here is another example which demonstrates *if* with *else* and inverts the true-false
value every time it's executed. It also shows how you can navigate the response, i.e.
it evaluates attribute *value* - the child *result* - using a dot.
if (result.value == true) of /system-property=test:read-resource
The *of* keyword can be followed by any management command or an operation which results
in a response from the controller.
And condition expressions can contain
• boolean && (and), || (or) and parentheses to group and prioritize expressions;
• >, >=, < and <= in addition to == and !=;
• the whitespaces are insignificant and ignored.
E.g. something like this could be a valid condition expression: ((a==b || c.c1<=d
&& e.e1.e2>f) && g!=h || i>=j) && (k<l && m>n
|| o==p)
If you use a navigation path and the path doesn't exist then the expression (the
comparison which involves the path) will evaluate to false.
The examples above are simple and show only one operation in the bodies of the *if* and
*else* but there is no such limitation. Each if/else body is a batch (which will be
translated into a single composite operation) and can contain any number of commands and
operations. Although, nested if-else and try-catch-finally are not yet supported.
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