Dmitry Geraskov [] created the document:
"Hibernate toos 3.3 wish list"
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Here is a list of new features for Hibernate Tools plugins which we'll consider to
implement in 3.3 version.
1. *Hibernate 4 support.* There is already Hibernate 4.0.0.Alpha1
released. We are going to support Hibernate 4 in our tools.
2. *User hibernate libraries support aka Hibernate multiversions support.* Due to
different hibernate and hibernate tools versions we should provide the behaviour of our
tools based on the libraries in User's project. ( JBIDE-6070)
3. *Package-level annotations support in JPA projects*. Dali JPA tools now provide the API
to support package level annotations (located in files). Hibernate has
some annotations (@GenericGenerators, @TypeDefs...) which require such a support. They
should be retrieved and processed by JPA project validator and views.(ex. JBIDE-3507)
4. *Overwrite/Skip/Merge options in hibernate tools generation process.* This option was
asked many times by our users. They should be able to select what exporter should do with
existing files when it generates the output. (
JBIDE-3314, JBIDE-4268)
5. *Completion proposals in persistence.xml for some hibernate values.* We have ability to
provide some completion proposals in JPA project persistence.xml file for such options
like hibernate properties names, dialects, urls templates, etc. (
http:// JBIDE-8026)
6. *Generate orm.xml files.* User should be able to generate orm.xml files like now he can
generate hbm files or annotated java classes. But this should be implemented in
hibernate-core first. ( JBIDE-6554)
May be not all features from the list will be implemented, but they are on the top of our
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