Brian Stansberry [] modified the
"JBoss AS7 User Guide"
To view the document, visit:
This is a brief guide intended to help users who wish to experiment with JBoss AS 7 as it
undergoes development. Feedback on its content is most appreciated, either via comments on
this page, via forum posts in this "JBoss AS7 Development" section of the wiki,
or by posts to the
jboss-development mailing list.
AS 7 is currently in "Beta" status, so users should not expect all of the
capabilities of more stable AS 5 and 6 releases to be present. Users should also be aware
that significant changes may be made from one alpha release to another.
h2. Getting JBoss AS 7
AS 7 is available from the download
page. As in earlier JBoss AS releases, installation consists of unzipping the release
Users are encouraged to check out the AS 7 source and build it themselves. This is quite
quick and painless once git is installed on your system, and getting git set up is also
quite easy to do. See the Hacking On JBoss AS
7 wiki page for more details on working with the AS 7 source.
h2. Quick Start
Once you have the distribution unzipped, you need to decide whether you want to work in
"domain mode" or "standalone mode". See "Domain Mode vs.
Standalone Mode" below for more on what those choices mean.
If you want to work in domain mode, open a terminal and cd into the distribution's bin
directory, and run the "domain" launch script:
$ cd bin
$ ./
On Windows:
cd bin
This will launch a total of 5 processes on your system: three JBoss AS server instances; a
Domain Controller process that acts as a central management point for all servers that
belong to the same "domain"; and a lightweight Process Controller process that
is responsible for spawning the other 4 processes and monitoring their lifecycle.
If you want to work in standalone mode, open a terminal and cd into the distribution's
bin directory, and run the "standalone" launch script:
$ cd bin
$ ./
On Windows:
cd bin
This will launch a single process on your system, a standalone JBoss AS server instance.
If you have the AS 7 source checked out, there are a number of demos that can be run from
the source checkout's demos module. See below for details.
h2. Domain Mode vs. Standalone Mode
One of the primary new features of AS 7 is the ability to manage multiple AS instances
from a single control point. A collection of such servers are referred to as members of a
"domain", with a single Domain Controller process acting as the management
control point. Domains can span multiple physical (or virtual) machines, with all AS
instances on a given host under the control of a Host Controller process. The Host
Controllers interact with the Domain Controller to control the lifecycle of the AS
instances running on that host and to assist the Domain Controller in managing them.
When you launch JBoss AS in "domain mode" (via the or domain.bat
launch scripts) your intent is to launch a Domain Controller, a Host Controller and
usually at least one AS instance.
For more on running servers in domain mode, a roughly 20 minute video is available online
(divided in two pieces):
For many use cases, the centralized managment capability available via domain mode is not
necessary. For these use cases, the AS can also be run in "standalone mode". In
standalone mode each AS instance is an independent process, much like an AS 3, 4, 5, or 6
instance is. Standalone instances can be launched via the or standalone.bat
launch scripts.
If more than one standalone instance is launched and multi-server management is desired,
it is the user's responsibility to coordinate management across the servers.
A given server instance cannot be switched between domain mode and standalone mode; i.e.
you cannot launch, stop the processes, and then launch and expect
any relationship between what was running. The configurations are separate. We may in
future releases include some tooling to ease the task of translating a given server
configuration from domain mode to standalone mode.
h4. Deciding Between Domain Mode and Standalone Mode
Which use cases are appropriate for domain mode and which are appropriate for standalone
mode? Domain mode is all about coordinated multi-server management -- with it JBoss AS
provides a central point through which users can manage multiple servers, with rich
capabilities to keep those servers' configurations consistent and the ability to roll
out configuration changes (including deployments) to the servers in a coordinated
It's important to understand that domain mode and standalone mode are all about how
your servers are managed, not what capabilities they have to service end user requests.
This distinction is particularly important when it comes to high availability clusters.
The current AS 7 beta1 release does not support HA functionality. However, it's
important to understand that once HA functionality is added in a later beta, it will be
orthogonal to "domain mode" vs. "standalone mode". That is, a group of
servers running in standalone mode will be able to be configured to form an HA cluster.
The domain and standalone modes determine how the servers are managed, not what
capabilities they provide.
So, given all that:
* A single server installation gains nothing from domain mode, so standalone mode is a
better choice.
* For multi-server production environments, the choice of domain mode versus standalone
mode comes down to whether the user wants to use the centralized management capability
domain mode provides. Some enterprises have developed their own sophisticated multi-server
management capabilities and are comfortable coordinating changes across a number of
independent JBoss AS instances. For these enterprises, a multi-server architecture
comprised of individual standalone mode AS instances is a good option.
* Standalone mode is better suited for most development scenarios. In particular, there is
no "domain mode" for embedding JBoss AS; e.g. in an Arquillian-based testsuite.
Any individual server configuration that can be achieved in domain mode can also be
achieved in standalone mode, so even if the application being developed will eventually
run in production on a domain mode installation, much (probably most) development can be
done using standalone mode.
* Domain mode can be helpful in some advanced development scenarios; i.e. those involving
interaction between multiple AS instances. Developers may find that setting up various
servers as members of a domain is an efficient way to launch a multi-server cluster.
h2. Contents of the AS 7 Distribution
The AS 7 distribution includes the following directories:
*bin* -- location of the launch scripts
*docs* -- license files, documentation, schemas, examples, etc. The amount of content in
this directory will increase as development continues.
*modules* -- AS 7 is based on a modular classloading architecture. The various modules
used in the server are stored here. Generally speaking, this is not an area that would be
modified by end users.
*domain* -- only relevant when domain mode is used. Configuration files, deployment
content, and writeable areas used by the domain mode processes that run off of this
installation. See below for further details.
*standalone* -- only relevant when standalone mode is used. Configuration files,
deployment content, and writeable areas used by the single standalone server that runs off
this installation. See below for further details.
h3. Contents of the "domain" Directory
Only relevant when domain mode is used.
*configuration* -- configuration files for the domain and for the Host Controller and any
servers running off of this installation. If we've done our jobs well, these
configuration files are the only configuration files end users should need to touch
(outside of deployment descriptors in their own application deployments). See below for
more on these files.
*content* -- an internal working area for the Host Controller that controls this
installation. This is where it internally stores deployment content. This directory is not
meant to be manipulated by end users.
*log* -- location where the Process Controller and Host Controller write their log files.
*servers* -- writeable area used by each AS instance. Each AS instance will have its own
subdirectory, created when the server is first started. In each server's subdirectory
there will be the following subdirectories:
data -- information written by the server that needs to survive a restart of the server
log -- the server's log files
tmp -- location for temporary files written by the server
*system-content* -- an internal working area. Storage for non-end-user deployments; i.e.
deployments that the subsystems that comprise a running AS themselves deploy into the
runtime as part of the service they provide. (Not used in Beta1, removed for Beta2.)
h3. Contents of the "standalone" Directory
Only relevant when standalone mode is used.
*configuration* -- configuration files for the standalone server that runs off of this
installation. If we've done our jobs well, these configuration files are the only
configuration files end users should need to touch (outside of deployment descriptors in
their own application deployments). See below for more on these files.
*data* -- information written by the server that needs to survive a restart of the server
*deployments* -- an area where end user deployment content can be placed if automatic
detection and deployment of that content into the server's runtime is desired. The
server's management API exposes other means for installing deployment content, and use
of that API in preference to the deployments directory is preferred. We realize however,
that at this early stage in AS 7's development the tooling around the deployment API
is in its infancy, so many users will utilize the deployments directory to deploy content.
Note that "domain mode" does not support deploying content based on scanning a
*log* -- the server's log files
*tmp* -- location for temporary files written by the server
*system-content* -- an internal working area. Storage for non-end-user deployments; i.e.
deployments that the subsystems that comprise a running AS themselves deploy into the
runtime as part of the service they provide. (Not used in Beta1, removed for Beta2.)
h2. "Domain Mode" Configuration Files
Located in the *domain/configuration* directory.
*domain.xml* -- primary configuration file for the domain. Among other things, includes
the configuration of the various "profiles" that AS instances can be configured
to run. A profile configuration includes the detailed configuration of the various
subsystems that comprise that profile (e.g. an embedded JBoss Web instance is a subsystem;
a JBoss TS transaction manager is a subsystem, etc). Includes the definition of groups of
sockets that those subsystems may open. And includes definition of "server
groups", to which a profile, a group of socket definitions and zero or more
deployments are mapped. Each individual server will be mapped (in host.xml, see below) to
a server group; the configuration of that server group largely defines the configuration
of the individual server.
A domain.xml file must be located in the domain/configuration directory of an installation
that's meant to run the Domain Controller. It does not need to be present in
installations that are not meant to run a Domain Controller; i.e. those whose Host
Controller is configured to contact a remote Domain Controller. The presence of a
domain.xml file on such a server does no harm; it will be ignored.
Users are encouraged to have a look at the
AS 7 configuration schema, starting with the <domain> element, to learn more about
configuration of a Domain Controller.
*host.xml* -- configuration file for the Host Controller that runs off of this particular
installation. Each installation must have a host.xml file. Contains configuration
information that is specific to the particular installation. Primarily:
* the listing of the names of the actual AS server instances that are meant to run off of
this installation, along with the server group they belong to.
* configuration of how the Host Controller is to contact the Domain Controller to register
itself and access the domain configuration. This may either be configuration of how to
find and contact a remote Domain Controller, or a configuration telling the Host
Controller to itself act as the Domain Controller.
* configuration of items that are specific to the local physical installation. For
example, named interface definitions declared in domain.xml can be mapped to an actual
machine-specific IP address in host.xml. Abstract path names in domain.xml can be mapped
to actual filesystem paths in host.xml.
Users are encouraged to have a look at the
AS 7 configuration schema, starting with the <host> element, to learn more about
configuration of a Host Controller.
** -- Contains the logging configuration for the Host Controller and
Process Controller that run off of this installation. Also defines the initial bootstrap
logging configuration for each individual AS instance. This boostrap logging configuration
is replaced with the logging configuration specified in the domain.xml file once the
server boot has reached the point where that configuration is available.
h2. "Standalone Mode" Configuration Files
Located in the *standalone/configuration* directory.
*standalone.xml* -- primary configuration file for the AS instance. Among other things,
includes the configuration of the "profile" that the AS instance is configured
to run. A profile configuration includes the detailed configuration of the various
subsystems that comprise that profile (e.g. an embedded JBoss Web instance is a
subsystem; a JBoss TS transaction manager is a subsystem, etc). Also includes the
definition of the sockets that those subsystems may open.
Users are encouraged to have a look at the
AS 7 configuration schema, starting with the <server> element, to learn more about
configuration of a standalone AS instance.
** -- Contains the initial bootstrap logging configuration for the AS
instance. This boostrap logging configuration is replaced with the logging configuration
specified in the standalone.xml file once the server boot has reached the point where that
configuration is available.
h2. General Configuration Concepts
In both Domain Mode and Standalone Mode a number of common configuration concepts apply:
h4. Extensions
An extension is a module that extends the core capabilities of the server. The AS core is
very simple and lightweight; most of the capabilities people associate with an application
server are provided via extensions. An extension is packaged as a module in the modules
folder. The user indicates that they want a particular extension to be available by
including an <extension/> element naming its module in the domain.xml or
standalone.xml file.
<extension module=""/>
<extension module="" />
<extension module="" />
<extension module="" />
h4. Paths
A logical name for a filesystem path. The domain.xml, host.xml and standalone.xml
configurations all include a section where paths can be declared. Other sections of the
configuration can then reference those paths by their logical name, rather than having to
include the full details of the path (which may vary on different machines). For example,
the logging subsystem configuration includes a reference to the
"jboss.server.log.dir" path that points to the server's "log"
<file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="server.log"/>
The AS automatically provides a number of standard paths without any need for the user to
configure them in a configuration file:
* jboss.home - the root directory of the JBoss AS distribution
* user.home - user's home directory
* user.dir - user's current working directory
* java.home - java installation directory
* jboss.server.base.dir - root directory for an individual server instance
* - directory the server will use for persistent data file
* jboss.server.log.dir - directory the server will use for log file storage
* jboss.server.tmp.dir - directory the server will use for temporary file storage
* jboss.domain.servers.dir - directory under which a host controller will create the
working area for individual server instances (domain mode only)
Users can add their own paths or override all except the first 5 of the above by adding a
<path/> element to their configuration file.
<path name="example" path="example"
See the XSD for details.
A <path/> element in a domain.xml need not include anything more than the name
attribute; i.e. it need not include any information indicating what the actual filesystem
path is:
<path name="x"/>
Such a configuration simply says, "There is a path named 'x' that other parts
of the domain.xml configuration can reference. The actual filesystem location pointed to
by 'x' is host-specific and will be specified in each machine's host.xml
file." If this approach is used, there must be a path element in each machine's
host.xml that specifies what the actual filesystem path is:
<path name="x" path="/var/x" />
h4. Interfaces
A logical name for a network interface/IP address/host name to which sockets can be bound.
The domain.xml, host.xml and standalone.xml configurations all include a section where
interfaces can be declared. Other sections of the configuration can then reference those
interfaces by their logical name, rather than having to include the full details of the
interface (which may vary on different machines).
An interface configuration includes the logical name of the interface as well as
information specifying the criteria to use for resolving the actual physical address to
use. The criteria is one of two types: either a single element indicating that the
interface should be bound to a wildcard address, or a set of one or more characteristics
that an interface or address must have in order to be a valid match.
<interface name="global">
<!-- Use the wildcard address -->
<interface name="external">
<nic name="eth0"/>
<interface name="default">
<!-- Match any interface/address on the right subnet if it's
up, supports multicast and isn't point-to-point -->
<subnet-match value=""/>
<interface name="loopback">
<inet-address value=""/>
See the XSD for full details on the various criteria options.
An <interface/> element in a domain.xml need not include anything more than the name
attribute; i.e. it need not include any information indicating what the actual IP address
associated with the name is:
<interface name="internal"/>
Such a configuration simply says, "There is an interface named 'internal'
that other parts of the domain.xml configuration can reference. The actual IP address
pointed to by 'internal' is host-specific and will be specified in each
machine's host.xml file." If this approach is used, there must be an interface
element in each machine's host.xml that specifies the criteria for determining the IP
<interface name="internal">
<nic name="eth1"/>
h4. Socket Bindings and Socket Binding Groups
A socket binding is a named configuration for a socket.
The domain.xml and standalone.xml configurations both include a section where named socket
configurations can be declared. Other sections of the configuration can then reference
those sockets by their logical name, rather than having to include the full details of the
socket configuration (which may vary on different machines).
A socket binding includes the following information:
* name -- logical name of the socket configuration that should be used elsewhere in the
* port -- base port to which a socket based on this configuration should be bound. (Note
that servers can be configured to override this base value by applying an increment or
decrement to all port values. See below for more details.)
* interface (optional) -- logical name (see "Interfaces" above) of the interface
to which a socket based on this configuration should be bound
* multicast-address (optional) -- if the socket will be used for multicast, the multicast
address to use
* multicast-port (optional) -- if the socket will be used for multicast, the multicast
port to use
* fixed-port (optional, defaults to false) -- if true, declares that the value of port
should always be used for the socket and should not be overridden
Socket binding configurations are organized inside a <socket-binding-group/>
element. That element also includes a default-interface attribute; that interface will be
used for any bindings that do not specify their interface attribute.
h4. System Properties
System property values can be set in a number of places in
domain.xml, host.xml and standalone.xml. The values in standalone.xml are set as part of
the server boot process. Values in domain.xml and host.xml are applied to servers when
they are launched.
h4. Profiles and Subsystems
The most significant part of the configuration in domain.xml and standalone.xml is the
configuration of one (in standalone.xml) or more (in domain.xml) "profiles". A
profile is a named set of subsystem configurations. A subsystem is an added set of
capabilities added to the core server by an extension (see "Extensions" above).
A subsystem provides servlet handling capabilities; a subsystem provides an EJB container;
a subsystem provides JTA, etc. A profile is a named list of subsystems, along with the
details of each subsystem's configuration. A profile with a large number of subsystems
results in a server with a large set of capabilities. A profile with a small, focused set
of subsystems will have fewer capabilities but a smaller footprint.
The content of an individual profile configuration looks largely the same in domain.xml
and standalone.xml. The only difference is standalone.xml is only allowed to have a single
profile element (the profile the server will run), while domain.xml can have many
profiles, each of which can be mapped to one or more groups of servers. The profile
element in domain.xml also supports an <includes
profile="another_profile"/> tag which allows configuration reuse whereby
several more complex profiles can include the contents of simpler profiles.
The contents of individual subsystem configurations look exactly the same between
domain.xml and standalone.xml.
h2. Standalone Mode Configuration Concepts
In addition to the general configuration concepts described above, the following concepts
are specific to an AS instance running in standalone mode.
h4. Server Name
The root <server/> element in standalone.xml include a name attribute. If set, the
value becomes the name of the server. If not set
If not set, defaults to the runtime value of Users are encouraged to use distinct
names for all servers in the operational environment. The server name is made available to
all services running in the server.
h4. Paths and Interfaces
As mentioned above, domain.xml supports not fully describing a path (by providing the
actual filesystem path) or an interface (by providing criteria to determine the IP address
to use). This is not supported in standalone.xml.
h4. Socket Binding and Avoiding Port Conflicts
In standalone.xml, only a single <socket-binding-group/> element is allowed.
In standalone.xml, the <socket-binding-group/> element can also include a
port-offset attribute. The value of this attribute will be added to the port attribute
value for any binding to derive the actual port to use for the socket. Setting the
port-offset to a value other than zero allows multiple AS instances with the same socket
binding and interface configurations to run on the same machine without having port
In domain.xml the <socket-binding-group/> element does not include a port-offset
attribute; see "Domain Mode Configuration Concepts" below for more on how an
equivalent configuration is done.
h4. Profiles
As noted above, only a single profile element is allowed in standalone.xml.
h4. Deployments
The standalone.xml file includes a section listing the deployment content available for
use on the server. Deployment content is made available for use either by uploading it
using the AS's management APIs, or by configuring a deployment scanner service and
placing the content in the folder scanned by that service (i.e. the deployments/ folder.)
Each deployment element includes the following information:
* name -- Unique identifier of the deployment. Must be unique across all deployments.
* runtime-name -- name by which the deployment should be known within the runtime. This
would be equivalent to the file name of a deployment file, and would form the basis for
such things as default Java Enterprise Edition application and module names. This would
typically be the same as name, but in some cases users may wish to have two deployments
with the same runtime-name may (e.g. two versions of "foo.war") both available
in the deployment content repository, in which case the deployments would need to have
distinct name values but would have the same runtime-name
* hash -- a hash of the deployment content, created by the server when the content was
uploaded. The server uses the hash internally to find content in the repository.
* start -- a boolean flag indicating whether the content is actually deployed into the
runtime (and should be automatically deployed when the server starts.)
h2. Domain Mode Configuration Concepts
In addition to the general configuration concepts described above, the following concepts
are specific to configuring a set of JBoss AS instances in domain mode.
h4. Domain.xml vs Host.xml
Domain configuration is divided into two portions: a set of configuration elements that is
consistent on all hosts across the domain (stored in the domain.xml file on the host that
is acting as the Domain Controller), and a set of configuration elements that differs on
each host (stored in a host.xml on each host). Most configuration should come from the
domain.xml; the host.xml is meant to be limited to details that need to vary from one host
to another (e.g. IP addresses, filesystem paths, and, most significantly the names of the
servers that should run on each host.
Each host's Host Controller is responsible for launching the servers configured in its
host.xml file. To do this the Host Controller gets a copy of the domain-wide configuration
from the Domain Controller, extracts the portion of the domain-wide configuration that is
relevant to the server (e.g. the details of the profile the server is configured to run),
applies host-specific information (e.g. the IP addresses to use for named interfaces), and
creates a server-specific configuration. The Host Controller then launches the server
process and provides it its configuration. If that server-specific configuration were
represented in XML form, it would look the same as a standalone.xml file -- the Host
Controller essentially synthesizes a standalone.xml from the relevant domain.xml and
host.xml content.
h3. Domain.xml Configuration Concepts
h4. Profiles
As noted above, the domain.xml file can contain multiple profiles. Different servers in
the domain can run different profiles.
h4. Paths and Interfaces
As discussed above, path and interface elements in domain.xml can legally include nothing
more than the name of the path or interface, in which case each host.xml is responsible
for specifying the details of the path or interface.
h4. Deployments
The Domain Controller maintains a repository of deployment content that is available for
use in the servers in the domain.
The domain.xml file includes a section listing the deployment content available for use in
the domain. Deployment content is made available for use by uploading it using the
AS's management APIs.
Each deployment element includes the following information:
* name -- Unique identifier of the deployment. Must be unique across all deployments in
the domain.
* runtime-name -- name by which the deployment should be known within the runtime. This
would be equivalent to the file name of a deployment file, and would form the basis for
such things as default Java Enterprise Edition application and module names. This would
typically be the same as name, but in some cases users may wish to have two deployments
with the same runtime-name may (e.g. two versions of "foo.war") both available
in the deployment content repository, in which case the deployments would need to have
distinct name values but would have the same runtime-name
* hash -- a hash of the deployment content, created by the server when the content was
uploaded. The server uses the hash internally to find content in the repository.
Note that the fact that a deployment is listed in the domain-level deployments listing
does not mean it will actually be deployed on any servers. It simply means its content is
known to the domain and available for use. Deployments are only deployed on servers when
they are mapped to server groups (see below).
h4. Server Groups
Besides the general configuration concepts described in the "General Configuration
Concepts" section above, the most important element in the domain.xml is the
definition of Server Groups. Each AS instance is a member of a server group. (Even if the
group only has a single server, the server is still a member of a group.) It is the
responsibility of the domain management system to ensure that all servers in a server
group have a consistent configuration. They should all be configured with the same profile
and they should have the same deployment content deployed.
The domain can have multiple server groups.
An example server group definition is as follows:
<server-group name="main-server-group" profile="default">
<socket-binding-group ref="standard-sockets"/>
<deployment name="foo.war_v1" runtime-name="foo.war"
<deployment name="bar.ear" runtime-name="bar.ear"
A server-group configuration includes the following required attributes:
* name -- the name of the server group
* profile -- the name of the profile the servers in the group should run
In addition, the following optional elements are available:
* socket-binding-group -- specifies the name of the default socket binding group to use on
servers in the group. Can be overridden on a per-server basis in host.xml. If not provided
in the server-group element, it must be provided for each server in host,xml.
* deployments -- the deployment content that should be deployed on the servers in the
* system-properties -- system properties that should be set on all servers in the group
* jvm -- default jvm settings for all servers in the group. The Host Controller will merge
these settings with any provided in host.xml to derive the settings to use to launch the
server's JVM. See the "JVMs" section in "Host.xml Configuration
Concepts" below.
h3. Host.xml Configuration Concepts
Paths and Interfaces
Any paths or interfaces declared in domain.xml but not fully specified there need to be
fully specified in host.xml. Since filesystem paths and IP addresses often vary from host
to host, these details are often provided in eac host's host.xml.
h4. System Properties
System property values can be declared in a top level element in host.xml. Properties
declared here will be set on all servers launched on the host.
h4. JVMs
The host.xml file can include one or more named JVM configurations. The configurations
will include such details as the location of the JVM binary, heap sizes, environment
variables, etc. The individual server configurations can refer to one of these JVM
configurations by name and the Host Controller will use the named configuration to launch
the server.
Note that JVM configuration details can also come from the server-group element in
domain.xml and from the individual server element (see below.) If configured in more than
one place, the elements will be merged, with server element values taking priority over
server-group values, which in turn take priority over the host-level jvm configuration.
h4. Management Interfaces
The configuration of the connectors the Host Controller exposes to support remote
management. TODO details
h4. Domain Controller
Configuration of how the Host Controller should find and communicate with the Domain
<!-- Remote domain controller configuration with a host and port -->
<remote host="" port="9999"/>
TODO details
If this host should act as Domain Controller, this is declared as follows:
h4. Servers
The most significant configuration item in host.xml is the listing of the servers that
should be launched on the host. Each server has its own element:
<server name="server-one" group="main-server-group">
<!-- server-one inherits the default socket-group declared in the
server-group -->
<jvm name="default" />
<server name="server-two" group="main-server-group"
<!-- server-two avoids port conflicts by incrementing the ports in
the default socket-group declared in the server-group -->
<socket-binding-group ref="standard-sockets"
<jvm name="default">
<heap size="64m" max-size="256m"/>
<server name="server-three" group="other-server-group"
<!-- server-three avoids port conflicts by incrementing the ports in
the default socket-group declared in the server-group -->
<socket-binding-group ref="standard-sockets"
Each server element includes the following required attributes:
* name -- the name of the server. Must be unique across the host.
* group -- the name of the server-group the server is a member of
* start -- (defaults to true) whether the server should be automatically started when the
Host Controller starts
In addition, the server element includes the following optional elements:
* socket-binding-group -- the name of the socket binding group to use. Besides the socket
binding group name, a port-offset can also be configured. The value of this attribute will
be added to the port attribute value for any binding to derive the actual port to use for
the socket. Setting the port-offset to a value other than zero allows multiple AS
instances with the same socket binding and interface configurations to run on the same
machine without having port conflicts.
* paths -- allows specification of paths at the individual server level. Configurations at
this level will override any configurations with the same name at the domain or host
* interface-specs -- allows specification of interfaces at the individual server level.
Configurations at this level will override any configurations with the same name at the
domain or host level.
* system-properties -- system properties values specific to this server
* jvm -- jvm configurations for this server
Available Subsystems
AS 7 is under active development. Not all capabilities present in more mature releases of
the AS 5 and 6 series are available in AS 7 yet. Following is a brief listing of the
subsystems available in the various AS 7 releases. Items listed below may not be entirely
feature complete.
h4. 7.0.0.Beta1
* logging -- configuration of logging appenders, categories, etc
* threads -- thread pool management
* sockets -- socket binding management
* naming -- local JNDI. Note that direct remote access to JNDI is not supported in Alpha1
(see the client.jms demo for an example of a clever hack to get remote access to JNDI via
an MBeanServerConnection)
* transactions -- JTA
* jmx -- MBeanServer with remote access capability
* web -- basic servlet and JSP support
* ee - common EE facilities (injection etc)
* ejb3 - EJB3 component implementaton
* jax-rs - RestEasy integration
* messaging -- HornetQ server
* JMS -- JMS queues, topics and connection factories
* JCA connectors
* Datasources
* JCA resource adapter deployments
* osgi -- OSGI bundle deployment
* remoting -- JBoss Remoting 3 connectors
* managed beans -- EE 6 managed bean deployments
* SAR deployments -- both legacy mbean deployments and those based on the JDK 6
ServiceLoader concept. Note that not all legacy sar capabilities are supported
* Filesystem based hot deployment scanning (standalone mode only) -- note that exploded
deployments are not currently supported
h2. Demos in the Source Checkout
The source checkout includes a "demos" module that includes a number of demos
that can be run from maven. Building the module from the /demos directory will output a
usage note that explains how to run the demos:
[echo] To run an example:
[echo] 1) In a separate console window,start either a standalone JBoss AS instance or
a JBoss AS domain
[echo] 2) Run mvn package -Dexample=<> where " is
the name of the example
[echo] Valid example names to run against a standalone JBoss AS instance are
[echo] sar - deploys mbeans packaged in a sar
[echo] managedbean - deploys a managed bean
[echo] serviceloader - deploys a serviceloader style service
[echo] messaging - deploys HornetQ native sender and receiver
[echo] jms - deploys HornetQ JMS sender and receiver
[echo] jms.client - Uses HornetQ JMS API from the client
[echo] rar - deploys a resource adapter
[echo] ds - deploys a test bean for data sources
[echo] war - deploys a simple servlet and connects to it
[echo] client.messaging - creates a HornetQ core queue using the management API
[echo] client.jms - creates a JMS queue using the management API
[echo] web.connector - creates and removes a jboss web connector
[echo] Valid example names to run against a JBoss AS domain are
[echo] domain.configs - reads the domain config and any available host
controller configs
[echo] domain.ds - deploys deploys a test bean for data sources
[echo] domain.messaging - deploys HornetQ native sender and receiver
[echo] domain.rar - deploys deploys a resource adapter
[echo] domain.servers - shows domain, host controller and server configs,
starts/stops servers
The primary point of the demos is to look at the source code and see how they use the
AS's management API to deploy content and/or alter the configuration of the running
server(s). To see how an example works, look at the relevant
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