James Strachan [
https://community.jboss.org/people/jastrachan] commented on the document
To view all comments on this document, visit:
As an aside, we've added breadcrumbs to Apache Camel, ActiveMQ and CXF so that we try
to pass breadcrumbs over camel message exchanges, ActiveMQ JMS message flows and CXF web
service/REST invocations so its easy to link together log messages, events and messages.
e.g. here's
http://camel.apache.org/mdc-logging.html how Camel links the breadcrumbs
to Java logging events
then we've a plugin in
http://www.jboss.org/products/fuse Fuse to write log
statements and camel messages to
http://www.elasticsearch.org/ ElasticSearch (so its
kinda like logstash) then we can query and correlate the message flow by a particular
breadcrumbId. (We don't yet generate a nice summary record per breadcrumbId with
start/stop timings or timings at each endpoint - which would make this metadata easier to
query from tools like the Polymeta Dashboard console).
https://vimeo.com/68442425 a little screencast showing using the Fuse web
tooling which towards the end (maybe 8-10 mins in) shows the log searching and the camel
message audit stuff which shows querying by breadcrumb ID - which is really just using
http://www.elasticsearch.org/ ElasticSearch as the back end data store for querying data
(via the Lucene query syntax) then the
http://three.kibana.org/ kibana web application
for viewing/querying/filtering the data.
It'd be awesome to add better visualisation & reporting of the overall business
flows; though at least the basics - storing log messages & camel message flows with
bread crumbs is done - with ElasticSearch making it easy to query etc.
If you wanna play with the code, you could clone the
Fuse github repo and then
https://github.com/jboss-fuse/fuse#creating-a-fabric create a
Fabric. If you wanna noodle the code that does the logging to ElasticSearch in Fuse, its
insight-elasticsearch for log events and
https://github.com/jboss-fuse/fuse/tree/master/insight/insight-camel insight-camel for
Camel message auditting.