Keith Babo [] replied to the discussion
"Annotation based Action classes"
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Argh! Brain fart on my end. Completely spaced the fact that the action class is directly
referenced in the service definition.
Re adding the @Action annotation... we can do this, but there's no "need"
for it at the moment. The annotated actions currently work without a Type level
annotation and also without implementing/extending any interfaces/classes. An example of
the most basic action...
*public* *class* MyAction {
*public* *void* processOrder(Order order) { //..... }}
I'm all for cute, but sometimes you can get too cute. ;-) Personally, I like the
clarity that the annotation provides. It saves us an extra conditional in the parsing,
but more importantly it makes it very clear to the action developer (and subsequent
maintainer) what's going on.
So... what currently marks this as an action is the @ProcessMethod
annotation (to be renamed) on the processOrder method. I toyed with adding an @Action
annotation but it seemed a bit redundant until such time as we support some type level
annotation data. In fact... we could drop the requirement of having to have the
@ProcessMethod in situations where the action only has a single method e.g....
*public* *class* MyAction {
*public* *void* processOrder(Order order) { //..... }}
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