Mickael Istria [
https://community.jboss.org/people/mickael_istria] created the document:
"How we create our update-sites? What are they? Which one you should use?"
To view the document, visit:
JBoss Tools is made of a lot of plugins coming from different component, and that are
aggregated for ease their installation. There are a lot of repositories. This page is
intended to explain what are our repositories, what are they aimed to, and where they are
coming from:
h1. General process
Here is the general process of the lifecycle of sites in the build.
*For each branch in progress*, It consists in:
1. Build all common stuff (parent, target-platforms, requirement site)
2. Build each component independently
3. Each component repository is published to
4. A *development composite* repository is used as a single entry point for all component
5. Some JBoss Tools site (which is equivalent to the one to be released) are continuously
created from the composite site. It contains a very recent version of each component, with
right categories and so on. A test site is also created, containing only test-related
6. After a code-freeze, the result site is promoted as a *dev milestone*, it is then
validated by QE
7. After several milestones and validation from QE, we get a *release*
The same applies to SOA components.
Some additional steps exist to also build JBDS site and products continuously, following
the same lifecycle.
Repositories / Update-Sites
h3. Requirements / Target-platfoms sites / Mirrors
These site are mirrors of dependencies of JBoss Tools. They are here to provide more
performance and to ensure we have a backup of everything we depend on.
|| *URL* || *Name* || *Profile to activate in build* || *Performance*
|| *When to use it?
* ||
| Individual mirror | Not possible | Good | When you want to install a 3rd-party deps, and
you prefer this server |
http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/+<ECLIPSE_RELEASE_TRAIN&g... |
Composute requirements | Not possible, should be part of Target Platform | Bad | To build
extras and target-platform site |
http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/target-platform_+<NAME>+/ | Target
Platform site | By default, as part of the target-platform | Good | Is a mirror of the
target platform. It is used whenever you use a .target file. |
h3. JBT (non-SOA)
|| *URL
* || *Name* || *Profile to activate in build* || *Quality/Stability* || Performances ||
When to use it? ||
| Component rep | Not possible, use composite instead | Poor | Good | When you really want
the latest stuff on a single component without loosing performances |
| Composite repo | -P jbosstools-nightly-composite | Poor | Poor | If you want very latest
changes |
| Aggregated snapshot repo | Not possible, use jbosstools-nightly instead | Poor | Average
| NEVER. This is the temporary location of the aggregated site. It gets published to a
better location afer |
http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/nightly/core/+<BRANCH_NAM... |
Aggregated snapshot repo | Currently, use -P jbosstools-staging-aggregate | Poor | Good |
When you want to develop with recent version of dependencies (1 or 2 days ago). Suitable
for local testing
NOTE: this is the "work in progress" final site |
http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/nightly/coretests/+<BRANC... |
Aggegated tests | Currently, use -P jbosstools-staging-aggregate | Poor | Good | Contains
tests |
http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/JBossTools-+<x.y.z.q>+... |
Milestones | Not possible | Average | Good | Good for testing, evaluating features. Good
for community contributors. |
| Latest Milestone | Not possible | Average | Good | Good for testing, and for building
stuff on top of JBT that will be released a bit later |
| Release | Not possible | Good | Good | Good for end-users |
|| *URL
* || *Name* || *Profile to activate in build* || *Quality/Stability* || *Performance* ||
*When to use it?* ||
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