Thomas Diesler [] created the
"Re: MBeanServer and TCL for MBeans"
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it seems that this fixes an issue in one place but has negative effect in other places.
The remote jsr160 connection does not seem to see MBeans that were registered in the
injected MBeanServer.
[ JBAS-8581] TcclMBeanServer breaks remote
MBeanServer access
In other places we have could like this
* Find or create the MBeanServer
public static MBeanServer findOrCreateMBeanServer()
MBeanServer mbeanServer = null;
ArrayList<MBeanServer> serverArr = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null);
if (serverArr.size() > 1)
log.warn("Multiple MBeanServer instances: " + serverArr);
if (serverArr.size() > 0)
mbeanServer = serverArr.get(0);
if (mbeanServer == null)
log.debug("No MBeanServer, create one ...");
mbeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();
return mbeanServer;
which now also does not work any more.
I suppose there should only be one MBeanServer in AS7 that all components share and that
the jsr160 connector connects to. The code above also comes from third party that does not
have access to the MBeanServerService
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