I've been building my project against the snapshot release of JBoss Microcontainer
using Maven and there's 28 libraries that get pulled in, and some of them seem fairly
non-relevant to runtime.
Most of the issues are due to transitive dependencies. Here are a list of dependencies I
end up with:
| ? ant\ant\1.6.5\ant-1.6.5.jar
| ? apache-httpclient\commons-httpclient\2.0.2\commons-httpclient-2.0.2.jar
| ? apache-slide\webdavlib\2.0\webdavlib-2.0.jar
| apache-xerces\xercesImpl\2.7.1\xercesImpl-2.7.1.jar
| apache-xerces\xml-apis\2.7.1\xml-apis-2.7.1.jar
| jboss\jboss-common-core\2.0.4.GA\jboss-common-core-2.0.4.GA.jar
| jboss\jboss-common-logging-log4j\2.0.4.GA\jboss-common-logging-log4j-2.0.4.GA.jar
| jboss\jboss-common-logging-spi\2.0.4.GA\jboss-common-logging-spi-2.0.4.GA.jar
| jboss\jboss-logging-spi\2.0.3.GA\jboss-logging-spi-2.0.3.GA.jar
| ? jboss\jboss-test\1.0.4-SNAPSHOT\jboss-test-1.0.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
| jboss\jboss-vfs\2.0.4.snapshot\jboss-vfs-2.0.4.snapshot.jar
| jboss\jbossxb\2.0.0.CR3\jbossxb-2.0.0.CR3.jar
| ?
| ? org\apache\ant\ant-junit\1.7.0\ant-junit-1.7.0.jar
| ? org\apache\ant\ant-launcher\1.7.0\ant-launcher-1.7.0.jar
| ? org\apache\ant\ant\1.7.0\ant-1.7.0.jar
| org\jboss\javassist\3.6-beta\javassist-3.6-beta.jar
| org\jboss\jboss-aop\2.0.0-SNAPSHOT\jboss-aop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
| org\jboss\microcontainer\jboss-kernel\2.0.0-SNAPSHOT\jboss-kernel-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
| oswego-concurrent\concurrent\1.3.4\concurrent-1.3.4.jar
| ? qdox\qdox\1.6\qdox-1.6.jar
| sun-jaf\activation\1.0.2\activation-1.0.2.jar
| trove\trove\2.1.1\trove-2.1.1.jar
| wutka-dtdparser\dtdparser121\1.2.1\dtdparser121-1.2.1.jar
Projects with (potential) extraneous dependencies:
jboss-commons-core: Pulls in apache-httpclient and apache-slide:webdavlib. Seems like the
"web" portion of commons belongs someplace else.
jboss-aop: Pulls in Ant, plus qdox. These are compile tools, but not needed for runtime, I
org.jboss.microcontainer: compile depends on junit, probably should be "test"
I'm not sure why I end up with jboss-test, seems like the Maven2 plugin from Eclipse
might be confused.
I'm going to see if I can't fix the microcontainer dependencies, I hope nobody
gets mad.
A useful tool I've found is:
http://www.jfrog.org/sites/dep-analyzer/1.0/ , but only
seems to work when built from source. The GUI maps out where the dependencies you get come
from, so you can follow the chain.
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