Lin Gao [] created the discussion
"Upgrade jbossws-common spec api dependencies to latest version ?"
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There are several dependencies in jbossws-common project, which has some JavaEE spec api
dependencies that is NOT latest version:
1. jboss-ejb-api_3.1_spec
The latest version of this spec api is: 1.0.2.Final
2. jboss-jms-api_1.1_spec
The latest version of this spec api is: 1.0.1.Final
3. jboss-servlet-api_3.0_spec
The latest version of this spec api is: 1.0.2.Final
4. jboss-jaxws-api_2.2_spec
The latest version of this spec api is: 2.0.1.Final
Upgrades these spec dependency versions can align the version with jboss as dependencies
and unique scope definition of the JavaEE spec api dependencies, which uses
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