Stefano Maestri [] created the discussion
"Re: Parsing and validation"
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Hi all,
I have just committed the implementation of validation for datasources metadata. You can
see the patch there:
There are 2 main points I'd like to discuss and get your feedbacks:
1. Validation has been implemented as method validate AND it's fired for every
metadata creation (aka as part of the constructor). I think it's better to have valid
metadata since we are working with immutable object at metadata level (at least in 99% of
cases). Of course the method validate is public and can be fired by metadata's client
too in case of metadata forced modification (forceXXX methods). Opinions?
2. I have implemented at the moment just a validation to respect xsd specification (more
or less just mandatory fields and cardinalities). But of course there are more things we
could verify at code level. Some example: backGroundValidationMinutes has non sense if
BackGroundValidation is false; min pool size could not be < of max_pool_size and so on.
Or even more complex checking like provided className are at least valid class name. Since
this validation comes very early in user experience (typically during deployment) I think
a fine grained check would help a lot users avoiding hard to understand runtime exception
during datasources/ra use. Of course make this fine grained check would need some extra
analysis and some extra documentation, but I think we would get great benefits.
Feedbacks are more than welcome
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