JBoss development,
A new message was posted in the thread "Deployment of on-demand web
Author : Bill Burke
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mailto:remy.maucherat@jboss.com wrote:
VDF integration is done for all metadata (tlds, web.xml, web-fragment.xml).
Configuration (server.xml and context.xml) reimplementation is waiting on prfile service.
Cleanup has been done to remove a hard JMX dependency with the mapper. Integration can
then be moved over gradually to the embedded API.
The "ugly ass" standalone code will remain as a casual testing capability
(Jean-Frédéric loves it). Sorry you dislike it, but it is mature and it works quite well,
so I don't really have plans to delete it for the time being.
I want deeper
integration. For example, it would make my life so much easier if I could instantiate
instances of servlets and filters within my JAX-RS deployer for JBossWeb to consume and
deploy. But I guess thats another different discussion...
Yeah, the "ugly ass" code I meant was all the JMX stuff.
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