zhang june [
http://community.jboss.org/people/june20100606] created the discussion
"Why I can't run jbpm4.3 examples on oracle server?"
To view the discussion, visit:
I was so much confused. I am only going to finish one demo using a process manager, fork
two services, then join the two results. I chose jbpm4.3. But, up to now , I can't
even run the examples on oracle.
First, I run "ant create.jbpm.schema", unsuccessful. I read the script, found
varchar2(255 char) was not supported in oracle. So i rewrote the script. Schema was
created. I could see them using oracle client.
Second, I configured the file 'jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml' , making jdbc to my oracle
server, then run one example. Errors below:
10:29:51,515 FIN | [BaseJbpmTestCase] === starting testAsyncActivity
10:29:52,625 FIN | [WireContext] eagerly initializing
10:29:52,703 INF | [Environment] Hibernate 3.3.1.GA
10:29:52,718 INF | [Environment] hibernate.properties not found
10:29:52,718 INF | [Environment] Bytecode provider name : javassist
10:29:52,734 INF | [Environment] using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
10:29:52,906 INF | [Configuration] configuring from resource: jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml
10:29:52,906 INF | [Configuration] Configuration resource: jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml
10:29:53,062 INF | [Configuration] Reading mappings from resource :
10:29:53,593 INF | [Configuration] Reading mappings from resource :
10:29:54,218 INF | [Configuration] Reading mappings from resource : jbpm.history.hbm.xml
10:29:54,625 INF | [Configuration] Reading mappings from resource : jbpm.task.hbm.xml
10:29:54,890 INF | [Configuration] Reading mappings from resource : jbpm.identity.hbm.xml
10:29:55,093 INF | [Configuration] Configured SessionFactory: null
10:29:55,187 INF | [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] Using Hibernate built-in connection
pool (not for production use!)
10:29:55,187 INF | [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] Hibernate connection pool size: 20
10:29:55,187 INF | [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] autocommit mode: false
10:29:55,406 INF | [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] using driver:
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver at URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@
10:29:55,421 INF | [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] connection properties: {user=jbpm,
10:30:00,046 INF | [Dialect] Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
10:30:00,062 INF | [TransactionFactoryFactory] Using default transaction strategy (direct
JDBC transactions)
10:30:00,078 INF | [TransactionManagerLookupFactory] No TransactionManagerLookup
configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is
not recommended)
10:30:00,125 INF | [ASTQueryTranslatorFactory] Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
10:30:00,281 INF | [SessionFactoryImpl] building session factory
10:30:04,296 INF | [SessionFactoryObjectFactory] Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name
10:30:04,343 INF | [SchemaExport] Running hbm2ddl schema export
10:30:04,343 INF | [SchemaExport] exporting generated schema to database
10:30:06,312 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_DEPLOYMENT (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, NAME_ clob, TIMESTAMP_ number(19,0), STATE_ varchar2(255 char),
primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,312 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,312 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_DEPLOYPROP (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, DEPLOYMENT_ number(19,0), OBJNAME_ varchar2(255 char), KEY_
varchar2(255 char), STRINGVAL_ varchar2(255 char), LONGVAL_ number(19,0), primary key
10:30:06,312 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,343 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_EXECUTION (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, CLASS_ varchar2(255 char) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not
null, ACTIVITYNAME_ varchar2(255 char), PROCDEFID_ varchar2(255 char), HASVARS_
number(1,0), NAME_ varchar2(255 char), KEY_ varchar2(255 char), ID_ varchar2(255 char)
unique, STATE_ varchar2(255 char), SUSPHISTSTATE_ varchar2(255 char), PRIORITY_
number(10,0), HISACTINST_ number(19,0), PARENT_ number(19,0), INSTANCE_ number(19,0),
SUPEREXEC_ number(19,0), SUBPROCINST_ number(19,0), PARENT_IDX_ number(10,0), primary key
10:30:06,343 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,343 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_HIST_ACTINST (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, CLASS_ varchar2(255 char) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not
null, HPROCI_ number(19,0), TYPE_ varchar2(255 char), EXECUTION_ varchar2(255 char),
ACTIVITY_NAME_ varchar2(255 char), START_ timestamp, END_ timestamp, DURATION_
number(19,0), TRANSITION_ varchar2(255 char), NEXTIDX_ number(10,0), HTASK_ number(19,0),
primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,343 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,343 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_HIST_DETAIL (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, CLASS_ varchar2(255 char) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not
null, USERID_ varchar2(255 char), TIME_ timestamp, HPROCI_ number(19,0), HPROCIIDX_
number(10,0), HACTI_ number(19,0), HACTIIDX_ number(10,0), HTASK_ number(19,0), HTASKIDX_
number(10,0), HVAR_ number(19,0), HVARIDX_ number(10,0), MESSAGE_ clob, OLD_STR_
varchar2(255 char), NEW_STR_ varchar2(255 char), OLD_INT_ number(10,0), NEW_INT_
number(10,0), OLD_TIME_ timestamp, NEW_TIME_ timestamp, PARENT_ number(19,0), PARENT_IDX_
number(10,0), primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,343 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,343 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_HIST_PROCINST (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not null, ID_ varchar2(255 char),
PROCDEFID_ varchar2(255 char), KEY_ varchar2(255 char), START_ timestamp, END_ timestamp,
DURATION_ number(19,0), STATE_ varchar2(255 char), ENDACTIVITY_ varchar2(255 char),
NEXTIDX_ number(10,0), primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,359 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,359 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_HIST_TASK (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not null, EXECUTION_ varchar2(255 char),
OUTCOME_ varchar2(255 char), ASSIGNEE_ varchar2(255 char), PRIORITY_ number(10,0), STATE_
varchar2(255 char), CREATE_ timestamp, END_ timestamp, DURATION_ number(19,0), NEXTIDX_
number(10,0), SUPERTASK_ number(19,0), primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,359 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,359 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_HIST_VAR (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not null, PROCINSTID_ varchar2(255 char),
EXECUTIONID_ varchar2(255 char), VARNAME_ varchar2(255 char), VALUE_ varchar2(255 char),
HPROCI_ number(19,0), HTASK_ number(19,0), primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,359 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,375 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_ID_GROUP (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not null, ID_ varchar2(255 char), NAME_
varchar2(255 char), TYPE_ varchar2(255 char), PARENT_ number(19,0), primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,375 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,375 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_ID_MEMBERSHIP (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not null, USER_ number(19,0), GROUP_
number(19,0), NAME_ varchar2(255 char), primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,375 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,375 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_ID_USER (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not null, ID_ varchar2(255 char), PASSWORD_
varchar2(255 char), GIVENNAME_ varchar2(255 char), FAMILYNAME_ varchar2(255 char),
BUSINESSEMAIL_ varchar2(255 char), primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,375 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,390 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_JOB (DBID_ number(19,0)
not null, CLASS_ varchar2(255 char) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not null, DUEDATE_
timestamp, STATE_ varchar2(255 char), ISEXCLUSIVE_ number(1,0), LOCKOWNER_ varchar2(255
char), LOCKEXPTIME_ timestamp, EXCEPTION_ clob, RETRIES_ number(10,0), PROCESSINSTANCE_
number(19,0), EXECUTION_ number(19,0), CFG_ number(19,0), SIGNAL_ varchar2(255 char),
EVENT_ varchar2(255 char), REPEAT_ varchar2(255 char), primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,390 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,437 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_PARTICIPATION (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not null, GROUPID_ varchar2(255 char),
USERID_ varchar2(255 char), TYPE_ varchar2(255 char), TASK_ number(19,0), SWIMLANE_
number(19,0), primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,453 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,468 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_PROPERTY (KEY_
varchar2(255 char) not null, VERSION_ number(10,0) not null, VALUE_ varchar2(255 char),
primary key (KEY_))
10:30:06,468 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,484 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_SWIMLANE (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not null, NAME_ varchar2(255 char),
ASSIGNEE_ varchar2(255 char), EXECUTION_ number(19,0), primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,484 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,500 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_TASK (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, CLASS_ char(1 char) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not null,
NAME_ varchar2(255 char), DESCR_ clob, STATE_ varchar2(255 char), SUSPHISTSTATE_
varchar2(255 char), ASSIGNEE_ varchar2(255 char), FORM_ varchar2(255 char), PRIORITY_
number(10,0), CREATE_ timestamp, DUEDATE_ timestamp, PROGRESS_ number(10,0), SIGNALLING_
number(1,0), EXECUTION_ID_ varchar2(255 char), ACTIVITY_NAME_ varchar2(255 char), HASVARS_
number(1,0), SUPERTASK_ number(19,0), EXECUTION_ number(19,0), PROCINST_ number(19,0),
SWIMLANE_ number(19,0), TASKDEFNAME_ varchar2(255 char), primary key (DBID_))
10:30:06,500 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,500 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBPM4_VARIABLE (DBID_
number(19,0) not null, CLASS_ varchar2(255 char) not null, DBVERSION_ number(10,0) not
null, KEY_ varchar2(255 char), CONVERTER_ varchar2(255 char), HIST_ number(1,0),
EXECUTION_ number(19,0), TASK_ number(19,0), LOB_ number(19,0), DATE_VALUE_ timestamp,
DOUBLE_VALUE_ double precision, CLASSNAME_ varchar2(255 char), LONG_VALUE_ number(19,0),
STRING_VALUE_ varchar2(255 char), TEXT_VALUE_ clob, EXESYS_ number(19,0), primary key
10:30:06,500 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00907: 缺少右括号
10:30:06,515 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_DEPLPROP_DEPL on
10:30:06,515 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,515 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_DEPLOYPROP add
constraint FK_DEPLPROP_DEPL foreign key (DEPLOYMENT_) references JBPM4_DEPLOYMENT
10:30:06,515 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,515 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_EXEC_SUPEREXEC on
10:30:06,515 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,531 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_EXEC_INSTANCE on
10:30:06,531 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,531 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_EXEC_SUBPI on
10:30:06,531 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,531 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_EXEC_PARENT on
10:30:06,531 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,562 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_EXECUTION add constraint
FK_EXEC_PARENT foreign key (PARENT_) references JBPM4_EXECUTION
10:30:06,562 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,562 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_EXECUTION add constraint
10:30:06,562 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,578 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_EXECUTION add constraint
10:30:06,578 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,578 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_EXECUTION add constraint
10:30:06,578 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,578 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_HACTI_HPROCI on
10:30:06,578 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,578 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_HTI_HTASK on
10:30:06,593 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,593 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_HIST_ACTINST add
constraint FK_HACTI_HPROCI foreign key (HPROCI_) references JBPM4_HIST_PROCINST
10:30:06,593 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,593 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_HIST_ACTINST add
constraint FK_HTI_HTASK foreign key (HTASK_) references JBPM4_HIST_TASK
10:30:06,593 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,609 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_HDET_HACTI on
10:30:06,609 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,609 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_HDET_HPROCI on
10:30:06,609 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,609 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_HDET_HVAR on
10:30:06,609 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,609 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_HDET_HTASK on
10:30:06,609 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,625 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_HIST_DETAIL add
constraint FK_HDETAIL_HPROCI foreign key (HPROCI_) references JBPM4_HIST_PROCINST
10:30:06,625 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,625 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_HIST_DETAIL add
constraint FK_HDETAIL_HACTI foreign key (HACTI_) references JBPM4_HIST_ACTINST
10:30:06,625 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,625 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_HIST_DETAIL add
constraint FK_HDETAIL_HTASK foreign key (HTASK_) references JBPM4_HIST_TASK
10:30:06,625 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,640 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_HIST_DETAIL add
constraint FK_HDETAIL_HVAR foreign key (HVAR_) references JBPM4_HIST_VAR
10:30:06,640 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,656 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_HSUPERT_SUB on
10:30:06,656 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,656 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_HIST_TASK add constraint
FK_HSUPERT_SUB foreign key (SUPERTASK_) references JBPM4_HIST_TASK
10:30:06,656 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,656 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_HVAR_HPROCI on
10:30:06,656 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,671 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_HVAR_HTASK on
10:30:06,671 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,671 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_HIST_VAR add constraint
10:30:06,671 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,671 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_HIST_VAR add constraint
FK_HVAR_HTASK foreign key (HTASK_) references JBPM4_HIST_TASK
10:30:06,671 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,687 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_GROUP_PARENT on
10:30:06,687 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,687 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_ID_GROUP add constraint
FK_GROUP_PARENT foreign key (PARENT_) references JBPM4_ID_GROUP
10:30:06,687 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,687 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_MEM_USER on
10:30:06,687 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,703 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_MEM_GROUP on
10:30:06,703 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,703 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_ID_MEMBERSHIP add
constraint FK_MEM_GROUP foreign key (GROUP_) references JBPM4_ID_GROUP
10:30:06,703 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,703 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_ID_MEMBERSHIP add
constraint FK_MEM_USER foreign key (USER_) references JBPM4_ID_USER
10:30:06,703 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,703 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_JOBRETRIES on JBPM4_JOB
10:30:06,718 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,718 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_JOB_CFG on JBPM4_JOB
10:30:06,718 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,718 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_JOB_PRINST on JBPM4_JOB
10:30:06,718 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,734 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_JOB_EXE on JBPM4_JOB
10:30:06,734 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,734 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_JOBLOCKEXP on JBPM4_JOB
10:30:06,734 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,734 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_JOBDUEDATE on JBPM4_JOB
10:30:06,734 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,734 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_JOB add constraint
FK_JOB_CFG foreign key (CFG_) references JBPM4_LOB
10:30:06,734 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,750 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_LOB add constraint
10:30:06,750 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,765 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_PART_TASK on
10:30:06,765 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,765 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_PARTICIPATION add
constraint FK_PART_SWIMLANE foreign key (SWIMLANE_) references JBPM4_SWIMLANE
10:30:06,765 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,781 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_PARTICIPATION add
constraint FK_PART_TASK foreign key (TASK_) references JBPM4_TASK
10:30:06,781 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,781 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_SWIMLANE_EXEC on
10:30:06,781 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,781 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_SWIMLANE add constraint
10:30:06,781 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,796 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_TASK_SUPERTASK on
10:30:06,796 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,796 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_TASK add constraint
FK_TASK_SWIML foreign key (SWIMLANE_) references JBPM4_SWIMLANE
10:30:06,796 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,812 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_TASK add constraint
FK_TASK_SUPERTASK foreign key (SUPERTASK_) references JBPM4_TASK
10:30:06,812 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,812 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_VAR_EXESYS on
10:30:06,812 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,812 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_VAR_TASK on
10:30:06,812 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,828 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_VAR_EXECUTION on
10:30:06,828 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,828 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create index IDX_VAR_LOB on JBPM4_VARIABLE
10:30:06,828 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,843 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_VARIABLE add constraint
FK_VAR_LOB foreign key (LOB_) references JBPM4_LOB
10:30:06,843 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,843 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_VARIABLE add constraint
10:30:06,843 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,843 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_VARIABLE add constraint
FK_VAR_EXESYS foreign key (EXESYS_) references JBPM4_EXECUTION
10:30:06,843 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,875 SEV | [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM4_VARIABLE add constraint
FK_VAR_TASK foreign key (TASK_) references JBPM4_TASK
10:30:06,875 SEV | [SchemaExport] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在
10:30:06,875 INF | [SchemaExport] schema export complete
*Why the example drop the exitent schema and create new?Which java file does this
I could not see the schema using oracle client.
I didn't learn about junit. Where can I find one java application using jbpm? Maybe I
will learn the deploying process more clearly.
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