"alesj" wrote : "scott.stark(a)jboss.org" wrote :
| | Why would jars in a sar be seen as mbean deployments? These are just library
| I don't think they are treated as plain lib jars.
| They are treated as true deployments - see JARStructure.
Ah now i can remember talking with Ales once about the "directory feature".
Changing the loadApplications method in the SerializableDeploymentRepository (copied from
the basic profile) seems to fix those errors.
| private void loadApplications(VirtualFile applicationDir)
| throws IOException
| {
| List<VirtualFile> children = applicationDir.getChildren();
| for(VirtualFile vf : children)
| {
| if (vf.isLeaf())
| {
| VFSDeployment vfCtx = loadDeploymentData(vf,
| String key = vfCtx.getName();
| applicationCtxs.put(key, vfCtx);
| }
| // TODO replace . in the name with isArchive() == false?
| else if (vf.getName().indexOf('.') == -1)
| {
| // recurse if not '.' in name and recursive search is enabled
| loadApplications(vf);
| }
| else
| {
| VFSDeployment vfCtx = loadDeploymentData(vf,
| String key = vfCtx.getName();
| applicationCtxs.put(key, vfCtx);
| }
| }
| }
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