"Kevin.Conner(a)jboss.com" wrote :
| "adrian(a)jboss.org" wrote : 1) It uses the wrong project name for
| | e.g. jboss-container instead of container
| My container project is calles jboss-container. It is likely that you have not
imported the generated projects.
| To rectify do the following
| - delete projects (not contents)
| - run mvn eclipse:eclipse from root
| - File->Import
| - Choose Existing Projects
| - Browse to root
| - Import generated projects
| All your project names will be consistent and will work :-)
Ok I will try that, but since I hit the problem with a clean checkout of the
Microcontainer and a build with Maven before creating the new eclipse
projects, I don't know whether this entirely consistent? -)
I've also seen this problem before with the common project.
anonymous wrote :
| "adrian(a)jboss.org" wrote : 2) Things like src/resources/tests end up as a
source import when it should be a class
| | library import. If they are source, you can't find the xml, etc. in the
classpathNot sure why it can't be found on the classpath, all sources are there by
default. Do you have a specific example?
src/resources/schema or src/resources/xml-tests in the container project
would be examples. After an eclipse:eclipse these are invisible to tests
run inside eclipse. They have type="src" instead of type="lib' in the
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