David Lloyd [
https://community.jboss.org/people/dmlloyd] created the discussion
"Re: Transactional MSC"
To view the discussion, visit:
Paul Robinson wrote:
Yes, I was assuming that this would lie underneath extensions. I just needed some place
to do the prototype and I felt that deploying an application would be too high up the
Do you agree that this approach is adequate for you to develop a solution for
Transactional MSC?
Yes, we can get started with this.
Paul Robinson wrote:
Also, does it look like it would be adequate for how you are planning on implementing the
"embeded use of the server infrastructure" feature?
No, in order to embed
we have to be able to dynamically create instances that do not have global state. So
(assuming our initial prototype works out) that issue will have to be resolved before we
go too far with this.
Paul Robinson wrote:
If so, I think we can defer the discussion around removing global state, until we are
further down the implementation path of Transactional MSC.
If so, I think the next steps are for me to update my prototype to create a minimal
configuration of ArjunaCore that meets your requirements, as documented on this page so
far. For example, disabling stats, disabling the recovery manager's network port,
Should we also document, in more detail, your plan on how you intend to use ArjunaCore?
This would probably make it easier for us to provide feedback and to also make sure
Narayana is providing everything you need.
This would probably be the next
discussion to have. At the NCL meeting we chatted and brainstormed some ideas that I
would like to make more concrete. Though it might be more efficient to do this
intereactively (e.g. IRC, or hangout, or phone), and gather the notes afterwards?
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