JBoss development,
A new message was posted in the thread "Deployment of on-demand web
Author : Bela Ban
Profile :
The current profiles are not going to cut it; they're much too coarse grained. And we
don't want to end up with a permutation of useful profiles, e.g. if you want web +
clustering, you're going to have to create a new profile, or remove lots of crap (web
services, IIOP) from 'all'.
Fine grained services (not related to the 'all', 'default' etc profiles)
are the way to go: include all the stuff in a coarse grained profile, and then select
which 'services' (for lack of a better word) you want at start time, e.g.
./run.sh -c all +service WEB +service CLUSTERING -service EJB
runs JBoss with only web clustering (no EJB clustering).
IIRC this is planned for JBoss anyway...
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