Alessio Soldano [] modified the document:
"JBossWS - Running the test suites"
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#Working_with_the_integration_layers Working with the integration layers
#Ant_build Ant build
#Maven__Ant_build_JBossWS_3x Maven + Ant build (JBossWS 3.x)
#Maven__Ant_build_JBossWS_4x Maven + Ant build (JBossWS 4.x)
#JBossWSCXF_Spring_testsuite JBossWS-CXF Spring testsuite
#Working_with_the_Hudson_QA_environment Working with the Hudson QA environment
#Maven__Ant_build Maven + Ant build
Typically you would build, deploy, test one of the web service stacks against one of the
supported target containers. Here we explain first the manual procedure. Further down you
find instruction on how to do this using our automated Hudson QA environment.
Please not two different builds are available, Ant and Maven+Ant, as the binary
distribution does not use Maven.
h3. Working with the integration layers
To run the general JAX-WS samples against our native WS stack on JBoss-6.0 you would run
the sequence below. This is also the required sequence before any SVN commit. If one of
the tests fails, please complain loudly.
h4. Ant build
+Make sure to *modify* accordingly before running the tasks below. Running
the tests against another target container simply means changing the
calling "ant deploy-jboss510" for instance. Also please note that the provided
Ant targets may change from release to release because of different supported AS
containers; calling "ant -projecthelp" is often a good idea to understand which
targets are available.+
cd stack/native/trunk/target/jbossws-bin-dist
ant deploy-jboss600
ant tests-main
ant tests-samples
To run the collection of provider sample tests, you would run
ant -Dtest=jaxws/samples/provider test
To run a single specific test, you would run
ant one-test
This can be done in debug mode as well
ant -Ddebug=true
h4. Maven + Ant build (JBossWS 3.x)
+Make sure to *copy/modify profiles.xml.example/profiles.xml* accordingly before running
the tasks below. Running the tests against another target container both means changing
the deploy ant command ("ant deploy-jboss510" for instance) and the specified
maven profile when running the tests. This simply means changing the specified profile to
"jboss510" for instance. Also please note that the provided target profiles may
change from release to release because of different supported AS containers.+
cd stack/native/trunk
ant deploy-jboss600
mvn -Ptestsuite,jboss600 test
To run the collection of provider sample tests, you would run
mvn -Ptestsuite,jboss600 -Dtest=jaxws/samples/provider test
To run a single specific test, you would run
mvn -Ptestsuite,jboss600 -Dtest=jaxws/samples/provider/ProviderPayloadTestCase test
This can be done in debug mode as well
mvn -Ptestsuite,jboss600 -Dtest=jaxws/samples/provider/ProviderPayloadTestCase
-Dmaven.surefire.debug=true test
Finally, depending on the Maven version you're using, you might need to set the
jbossXYZ.home property:
mvn -Ptestsuite,jboss600 -Djboss600.home=/home/user/jboss/build/output/jboss-6.0.0.Final
Please note that starting from JBossWS 4, the integration testsuites have been moved to
the 'integration-test' maven phase. So you need to replace 'test' with
'integration-test' in the mvn commands above.
h4. Maven + Ant build (JBossWS 4.x)
cd stack/cxf/trunk
ant deploy-jboss710
mvn -Pjboss710 -Djboss710.home=<path-to-jboss-710> integration-test
To run the collection of provider sample tests, you would run
mvn -Pjboss710 -Djboss710.home=<path-to-jboss-710> -Dtest=jaxws/samples/provider
test integration-test
To run a single specific test, you would run
mvn -Pjboss710 -Djboss710.home=<path-to-jboss-710>
-Dtest=jaxws/samples/provider/ProviderPayloadTestCase integration-test
This can be done in debug mode as well
mvn -Pjboss710 -Djboss710.home=<path-to-jboss-710>
-Dtest=jaxws/samples/provider/ProviderPayloadTestCase -Dmaven.surefire.debug=true
h4. JBossWS-CXF Spring testsuite
Starting from jbossws-cxf 3.4.0 just keep in mind that SpringFramework dependencies are
not triggered by default anymore. You can add Spring to the testsuite client classpath as
well as enable additional tests relying on Spring using the custom "spring"
maven profile:
mvn -Ptestsuite,jboss600,spring test
h3. Working with the Hudson QA environment
The Hudson QA environment helps you to test any supported stack against any supported
target container.
h4. Maven + Ant build
The Hudson setup is still based on Ant. You just need to checkout the jbossws-framework
and move to the "hudson" directory.
cd jbossws/framework/trunk/hudson
ant hudson-setup
ant hudson-start
When you hit
http://localhost:8180/hudson http://localhost:8180/hudson you should be
able to
* log-in
* build a target container
* run a test-suite against the target container
Publicly, Hudson is available at (or during QA release phase)
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