Dimitris Andreadis [
https://community.jboss.org/people/dimitris] modified the document:
"JBoss AS7 vs AS6"
To view the document, visit:
h1. Distribution Changes
|| *AS7* || *AS6* || *Comments* ||
| ./modules | ./common/lib | AS6 common/lib directory contained system and user jar files
shared among different configurations. There is no shared dir in AS7 in which to simply
drop in jars files that will be globally accessible by all deployments. The top level
./modules directory can be used instead to explicitly define modules that are referenced
by deployments. See related discussion here
https://community.jboss.org/message/604576#604576). |
h1. Features missing from AS7 relative to AS6
h2. Clustering
* No CMP2 clustering
* server.xml
* Farming (replaced by domain deployments)
h2. JCA
* no-tx-datasource
* No -ds.xml deployments within archives (.ear)
h2. ClassLoading
* org.jboss.web.WebService - dynamic loading classes remotely
h2. Varia
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