I've taken the related JIRA issue, JBCTS-719, and will make a corresponding issue to
address the same problem in the EJB3 Testsuite.
"EJB3 Core Specification 4.6.6 Bullet 5.6" wrote : If bean class implements a
single interface, that interface is assumed to be the business interface of the bean. This
business interface will be a local interface unless the interface is designated as a
remote business interface by use of the Remote annotation on the bean class or interface
or by means of the deployment descriptor.
I believe the code's in place in EJB3 Core to handle this case; we recently had a
problem where the default business interface could not be determined due to duplicate
occurances of the same interface (
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-1124 ).
Error there was:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Use of empty @Remote on bean test-bean-for-stateful with more
than one default interface [interface com.whatever.Interface1, interface
com.whatever.Interface1] at
I've not yet seen this error from the annotation processor. Will post back if I can
duplicate in EJB3 Unit Tests.
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