This AnnotationProxy::doEquals looks like it misses a lot of logic. ;-)
| private Object doEquals(Object proxy, Object obj)
| {
| if (obj == proxy)
| return Boolean.TRUE;
| if (obj == null)
| return Boolean.FALSE;
| Class[] intfs = proxy.getClass().getInterfaces();
| if (intfs[0].isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass()) == false)
| {
| return Boolean.FALSE;
| }
| try
| {
| Proxy.getInvocationHandler(obj);
| }
| catch (Exception ex)
| {
| return Boolean.FALSE;
| }
| return Boolean.TRUE;
| }
And that last attempt is wrong,
e.g. this is totally legit, but would also fail:
| String expr = "(a)"+Name.class.getName() +
| Name n0 = (Name) AnnotationCreator.createAnnotation(expr, Name.class);
| Name n2 = new NameImpl("type", "subtype");
| assertEquals(n0, n2); // FAILURE -- n2 has no InvocationHandler
I'll fix the impl, but what to do with release, since we already did 2.0.0.GA?
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