Thanks for your answers,
"richard_opalka" wrote : MTOM attachments do not need to be inlined.
I agree, but if mtom is used and it is inlined, I don't see the point of using mtom:
we can have the binary parameter inlined like the others. I thought that one of the
advantages of mtom was to use xop which describes how to package binary data as an
I have exactly the same config as you, same Jboss version and JbossWS version. I have also
a method with a bean which contains a DataHandler (annoted). But no luck, I get always the
same exception.
javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: Endpoint {http://foo.org/mtom}ServiceImpl does not
contain operation meta data for: {http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#}EncryptedData
But this problem doesn't change the main problem: to use mtom + ws security with
jbossws. I will take a look to the sources when I got time.
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