Does JBoss tools have this same XML formatting problem? If so, maybe we
could get them to invest a little time in enhancing it for us if we can
enumerate the deficiencies?
On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 5:35 AM, Pete Muir <pmuir(a)> wrote:
The trouble is the XML formatter in eclipse has very little
(spaces vs tabs, gutter are the only ones I've found that are useful) (and
none on a per-project level) and certainly can't be told NOT to put all
elements on a new line. So if we use it, it ends up looking so nasty that we
should just invest the time to make it look ok.
There are some better XML editors out there for sure which *can* apply ok
formatting (but never found a great one as Dan says).
So, here's a challenge for readers: find a formatting template that will
take a file which has been (lovingly) hand formatted, like and
not screw it all up (there might be a couple of errors in there) :-)
On 16 Apr 2010, at 04:31, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
> Perhaps we can agree on an Eclipse autoformat style to use, just to make
things slightly easier to make consistent?
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Pete Muir <pmuir(a)> wrote:
> On 15 Apr 2010, at 17:49, Dan Allen wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Pete Muir <pmuir(a)> wrote:
> > The easiest option I know is just to use the Eclipse XML editor and
never use the autoformat feature.
> >
> > Right, but if you turn off the autoformat feature, then who is
responsible for the wrapping? Do you have to hit return when the sentence
reaches the right margin line
> yes.
> > and then space, space, space to get it to line up again?
> no, it can do that automatically :-)
> > I'm trying to find a way where you don't have to think. You can just
type and it only formats what is necessary. If that's how it works, then I
need to give it another chance.
> I never found a plugin for eclipse to do this. I don't want to move
outside my IDE to edit these files.
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