The implementation of the the top level tag could then be something like
CellFormat[] cellformats = ; //parse tags for cell definitions etc
ByteArrayOutputStream bytestream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(bytestream);
WritableSheet worksheet = workbook.createSheet("data", 0);
// pseudo code section
loop data rows i
loop data columns j
worksheet.addCell(ExcelFactory.getCell(i, j, celldata, cellformats[i]))
end loop
end loop
pretty much the same with bytestream.toByteArray() as is done in the
pdf UIDocument.encodeEnd
Could/should there be a src/xls/org/jboss/seam/xls/ui structure and if
so, what parts should be extraced to some common package?
The DocumentStore concept itself?